问: I have a question about language. 我有一个关于语言的问题
巴夏: Language. 语言
问: Yes, language. Lang u age. 是的,语 + 言
巴夏: 好的
问: I'm noticing around the Linguistic Relativity Principle talks about the way we think about the world is directly related to the way that we talk about it. And the way we communicate. 我注意到“语言相对论原则”中谈到:我们对世界的想法,会直接关系到我们怎么说话,以及,我们如何与他人交流。
巴夏: 确实如此
问: Can you talk more about how important languages is in creating reality? 你能多谈一谈,语言在“创造现实”中的重要性吗?
巴夏: It can be very important, especially because it is very revealing of your inner unconscious definitions very often.And can point you squarely to the definitions that require change. 它非常的重要,因为它经常能揭示你内在的无意识定义,并直截了当地指出你的哪些定义,是需要改变的
Again, the idea is that you are very fortunate in a variety of languages to have so many kinds of expressions that point out very clearly what it is you really are all about and what you prefer. 你们非常有幸,能够拥有如此多种语言,以及各式各样的词语,它们非常清楚地说明了 你是什么样的人,以及你的喜好
The symbology is very distinct. 它们的象征意义,非常明显
As we said in the beginning, when we began speaking through the channel, this is all about Re-membering. Re Membering who you are. 正如我们开头时通过Darryl传导出来的信息那样:这一切,都是关于回忆起“你是谁”(Remember)。重新成为真正的你的一员(Re-Member)
The idea literally thus tells you by using the word in that way that what you have done for thousands of years is you have dissociated yourself, fragmented yourself. 你们使用Remember这个词的方式,已经告诉你们:这数千年来,你们所做的,就是不断地分裂自己,碎片化自己
Thus then by recollecting, by re-collecting all the fragments, you become whole. 然而,通过重新收集所有的碎片,你变得完整
So the idea is to pay attention to what comes out of your mouth as an indicator of what you truly believe. 所以,要注意自己说出的话,话语是你们真实信念的“指示牌”
Because very often we will hear many of you using words that are very, very clearly pointing out why you may be having certain difficulties. 我们经常从你们很多人的说话用词中,就能很明显地听出,为什么你们会遇到某些困难
Because they are revealing to you how you think. And how you think is based on what you believe. 因为,你们的话语,揭示了你们是怎么想的,而你们怎么想,又是基于你们的信念
So your thoughts, your words, your behaviors, your emotions are all secondary level phenomenology to what you define or what you believe to be true. 你的思想、你的言语、你的行为、你的情绪都是你的定义或信念所产生的次要层现象
You cannot have, here is the important point: you cannot have an emotion, you cannot have a feeling, you cannot have a thought, you cannot have a behavior without first having a definition. 重点是:你不可能有某种“情绪”,你不可能有某种“感觉”,你不可能有某种“想法”,你不可能有某种“行为”,除非你先有了某个“定义”。
Because when you don't have a definition for something, you don't know how to feel about it. You don't ever thought about it. You don't know what to think. 因为,当你对某件事没什么定义时,你不知道自己对它有什么感觉,你甚至都不会想到它,你也不知道要想什么
But as soon as you define it, then all the feelings, all the thoughts, all the behaviors come out. 但是,一旦你定义了它,那么,所有的感觉、所有的想法、所有的行为,都涌现出来了
So your words, your behaviors, your feelings are very good indicators that you can use to track back and find out: 所以,你的言语、你的行为、你的感觉都是非常好的“指示牌”,你可以用它们来追溯,并找出:
If I think this way, if I say these words, if I feel like this, what do I have to believe is true in order for that to come out of my mouth, in order for that to be my behavior, in order for me to feel the way I do? “如果我这么想,如果我说了这些话,如果我有这样的感觉,那么,我相信什么是真实的,才会让我的嘴巴冒出这样的话,才会让我有这样的行为,才会让我有这样的感受”
What would I have to believe is true? “我到底相信什么是真实的呢?”
Does that make sense? 你能明白吗?
问: 明白!
巴夏: 这对你有帮助吗?
问: 有帮助,谢谢您!