本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2022-2-14 20:25 编辑
鱼油对健康的威胁来自于其极高含量的汞。由于现在海洋大量的污染,用于制造鱼油补充剂的鱼中含有大量的汞和二噁英(dioxins,已知的一级致癌物)。在鱼体内,汞会集中在鱼的挥发性奥米茄油(omega oils)中。鱼油相当于是从数百万计的鱼中高度提炼和浓缩的汞,因此汞的浓度到了空前的水平。汞是导致各类病症包括癌症在内的病毒最爱食物,会加速帕金森症、老年痴呆症、痴呆症、大脑慢性炎症、注意力不集中多动症等各类认知类型疾病。
不幸的是,鱼油的流行风潮正在负面影响着许多人的健康,现在甚至许多配方奶粉中都加入了鱼油的成分(许多奶粉的EPA和DHA成分都来自于鱼油)。 为了自己和家人的健康,请远离鱼油,选择无鱼类、植物类或藻类的奥米茄补充品。
Health-Damaging Foods (I) - Fish Oil
The fish oil trend is unstoppable at this point. Yet it’s important that people understand what they’re putting in their bodies. While it’s okay to eat wild fish sparingly, fish oil supplements are another matter. You would think it’s all the same, but it’s actually very different.
The primary issue is mercury and dioxins, which are present in most of the fish used to make these supplements. When you eat fish with mercury in its flesh, the mercury has a tendency to stay mostly in your intestinal tract, liver and stomach area. It’s another, more dangerous story when you consume fish oil supplements. Although manufacturers say that the physical mercury is removed from their supplements, it’s an impossible and unrealistic claim.
In fish, mercury concentrates itself mostly in the volatile omega oils. So when millions of fish are processed for their oil, mercury levels are at an unparalleled level. The process that supplement manufacturers then use to try to lower the mercury content actually destabilizes the toxic heavy metal. It becomes a highly absorbable, homeopathic version of itself. (for those who are into homeopathy; the more the substance is diluted, the more its frequency increases, and the more power and influence it has over the body).
This concentrated mercury that ends up in fish oil supplements has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and quite easily enter sensitive organs, bypassing and disrupting the body’s systems. It can also strengthen and feed viruses and bacteria. Fish oil supplements put you on the fast track for Alzheimer’s , dementia, and chronic inflammatory disease of the brain.
Whenever you start to feel persuaded by the arguments in fish oil’s favor, remember: fish oil is the snake oil of today! Treat it warily. It will not fulfill its promises. Fish-free, plant based, algae-derived omega supplements are much safe options.
About how to safely remove heavy metal, pls see more details http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/heavy-metal-detox-smoothie
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