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发表于 2023-3-11 00:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


①   如果有祷告/发愿的习惯,可以使用祷告词(即正面暗示,使用预期(expectation)来创造现实,预期指的是你深信这件事一定会成)

②   发现正面的改进、表现时,立刻说出来,打破“只提负面情况”的坏习惯。(这是赛斯哲学体系的理论和实践中,独特、重要且连贯的一个要点:“关注什么,就得到什么”、“关注想要的,而非不想要的”

③   被人烦扰、侵犯而产生情绪时,
A当下(不要延迟) 、

合理且充分是指:表达的力度与情绪的强度成正比。【总是要这样问自己:"我是只对目前这件事做出反应,因为理应如此;还是我在对这件以及过去其他五件我没有做反应的事在做反应?" 很快你就会发现自己的反应与现在的事件成正比,并将摆脱旧习惯。】


④   【当你感到高兴、喜悦或有愉快的评论时,在当时也应该表达出这些,在这些情绪满溢时表达出来,因为这样的表达可以满足和逾悦你自己的神经系统,也能逾悦他人。这些表达不应该推迟。】

⑤   【每当你感到任何形式的限制感时,就尝试获得丰盛的感觉来替换】



我为鲁伯提供的 "祷告词"是根据他的需要量身定制的,因此会相当有效。我建议鲁伯在你们的祷告时间使用这份祷告词。在早上,如果他能大声念出来,甚至以一种热情饱满的方式唱出来,那就更好了

The “prayer” in quotes that I gave for Ruburt is tailored to his own needs, and will therefore be quite effective. I suggest that he use this during your prayer periods. In the morning it would be good for him to say this aloud, or even sing it in an exuberant manner.


Care then should be taken to concentrate on the daily matters at hand—his writing, and to avoid conscious concentration upon the state of his health or the progress of healing. Any positive improvements that you notice, Joseph, or any positive statements concerning his appearance or performance, should be stated. If possible spontaneously when you note them. This will avoid any overemphasis such as might occur if only negative situations were mentioned.


When you are annoyed, if possible state your annoyance to the person involved, reasonably, (underlined) but at the time of the annoyance. When you do not respond in this manner the annoyance builds up and you are then tempted to respond to one incident as if many were involved, because the others were not responded to adequately at the time.


In the particular case for example you should have called your neighbor while you were being annoyed. That would be a healthy and reasonable response. Had this happened in each such case the annoyance would not have continued. Even if it had, you would then be justified in taking more firm steps.


On your part also then there was a reluctance to react to annoyance in a normal natural manner, and this is why the situation built up. By not reacting you gave your neighbor the license to further activity. By reacting normally, you would indeed teach her respect for the regards of others, and she would have felt your reaction quite justified.


Your irritation would have been understandable and in proper proportion to the annoyance. When you do not behave in such a manner, bitterness piles up, and generally speaking you are not helping the other person involved. You may end up doing them harm through repressed reactions that suddenly explode.


When reactions seem emotionally out of proportion to one event then it is usually because of inadequate reactions to the same kind of event in the past. I am speaking now of reasonable reactions. I am not speaking of flying off the handle, say, at each small upset. Violence for example is the result of such repression.



For you again now the word should be abundance. I would like you when you have time to meditate on the various kinds of abundance that you do presently enjoy. In terms of air, water, how freely these are available to you, sunlight, even the abundance for example of emotional energy present in your friend who just left here, for he makes it available to you also, and gives of it freely.


Think of abundance in terms of ideas also. In terms of color. I want you to feel easy with the word, and whenever you feel a sense of limitation of any kind, (underlined), then try to get the feeling (underlined) of abundance instead. Ruburt can also follow this advice. It will serve him well.


It would also release new ideas in your paintings and give you a sense of freedom in dealing with various techniques and media. You are not limited to any media. You choose and have the freedom to choose.


You understand the abundance of energy possessed by your young neighbor. You simply do not want it expended at your expense. She does not know where to draw the line for her own good. She will be quite satisfied if someone she respects helps her draw a line of adequate behavior. She expected this from both of you for some time.


When you did not firmly or adequately express your displeasure then she wavered. She was not pleased with her own behavior, yet needed support that your reprimand would have provided, and can still provide.


To begin a program of reasonable adequate response, to annoying stimuli, is your best insurance against overreaction and repression.

总是要这样问自己:"我是只对目前这件事做出反应,因为理应如此;还是我在对这件以及过去其他五件我没有做反应的事在做反应?" 很快你就会发现自己的反应与现在的事件成正比,并将摆脱旧习惯。

Always ask yourself “Am I reacting to this present event only, as I should, or am I reacting to this event and five others in the past to which I did not react?” Soon you will find yourself with responses in proportion to present events, and will be free from old habits.


Now these are hardly your habits alone. I am using the present case but it has general implications. Your nervous system is prepared to act when you are annoyed. Left alone and operating naturally, you can trust its spontaneous response. It will be in proportion. It is only when you overload the nervous system by such repressed action that it then begins a cycle of overreaction to what seems to be one event.



For a while then you must closely watch your reactions by making sure that you are only reacting to a present episode. Soon automatically the system becomes adjusted to normal action, and the process becomes automatic again. It is also important to react when you feel an annoyance, rather than postpone action, whenever this is possible. Your system is cleared. When you are beginning to learn you may find yourself overreacting initially, simply because of the accumulated, unrecognized charge of past repression.


This applies to you then in your way, as well as to Ruburt in his way. It also applies to all of your reactions. It is the spontaneous nature of emotional creatures, and it frees the self and opens the channels of creativity. When you are pleased or joyful or have a pleasant comment, then these should also be expressed at the time, and in the fullness of those emotions, for such expression satisfies and pleases your own system, and also pleases others. These things should not be postponed either.


The system then enjoys its own spontaneous expression, and is flexible and therefore more receptive. Postponement of reaction can then lead to a pattern of rejection, for you are rejecting the expression of your own emotions. Again, this does not apply only to you personally.


You fought a battle with yourself however over the noise issue, and this more than the lack of sleep leaves you in need, now, of that refreshment that sleep can bring.


It is extremely important that your dissatisfaction be expressed to your neighbor, and by you. Ruburt may join in, but it is important that you personally express this irritation, and feel its release for yourself in so doing.


Whenever possible such reactions should always be expressed directly by the person involved to the person who causes the irritation, regardless of whatever steps may be taken. The self feels cheated otherwise to some extent. Also with such expression there is a direct involvement with the offender, and such involvement can lead to greater understanding on both parts that otherwise might not result. The interaction is important to both parties.


Your neighbor has no real conscious knowledge of the nature of your emotional reaction. You projected negative attitudes upon her because you had not reacted adequately in the past. She would feel hit by a sledge hammer if you followed through on your plan. She is looking for direction.


The suggestions I have given you here can be of great practical use to you personally.



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