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发表于 2023-2-4 22:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I will give you a prime example, and it is one of the reasons why difficulties are sometimes encountered on weekends, often the situation when the two of you plan to go downtown in the morning. The night before he worries, and often consciously, that he will not be in good condition, and imaginatively then as a result, sees himself in poor condition. Because of the force of the imagination this does sometimes then occur. Then he compares your health and vitality to his condition, and imagines you are impatient with him, since he quite literally drags his feet.


He drags his feet because he does not want to go, because he is afraid that he will be in the poor condition that his imagination has gotten him into. The more urgently you want to make the trip, you see, the better he wants to feel, to make it with you. His mistake has been in letting his imagination work against him, thwarting his desire, rather than for him.


His mental attitude should be “Of course I can feel fine in the morning,” and instead of imagining himself dragging down the stairs, he should playfully imagine himself ahead of you, as if he were playing a game. The pity of the world’s present situation is that the methods people use often to achieve their desires, are those specific methods that will bring them the opposite.


Now I have mentioned this because neither of you realized it. Ruburt was furious in the store, and felt abandoned. He was furious at himself however, not you, that he could not follow you quickly enough. He was angry at the salesgirl, whom he likes, for her remark about his weight, and he was sore at himself for being sore in body.



Now I have given you suggestions that will work to clear up the difficulties I have named. In the overall with your methods, he is doing well. The specifics showed their results, and as more specifics arise, if they do, I will mention them.


He berates himself for not being able to help you more in the carrying of the bags, and in any ordinary chores with which he would normally assist you. This includes the carrying of the wash. You forget how conscientious he is toward you.


Your assistance here will be of help. Remarks such as “Soon I’ll let you carry all the bags,” or “Soon you can carry them all,” will help. It is also good to remind him that he carried the bags for you when you were ill, and that you regained your strength, and that he is regaining his strength.


The problem is obviously distressing, but help is not to be found by discussing its distressing aspects. It does not serve as an impetus any longer, now that the problem has been faced. Now concentration should be upon the desired solution. He must not grit his teeth and think “I will get better.” Both of you should look for, and mention, any new freedoms. A feeling of expectancy on both of your parts will be of great benefit, and must in fact be a part of your prayer activities.


Now generally he has made strides, particularly in the morning. He should not spend any day entirely inside, as you know. He should imaginatively see himself using his body properly, for these thoughts alone activate it. But the whole idea should be “I am free, to clean the cupboards, to get down on my knees, to get up.” Feelings of mobility are highly important.



(9:50. During break I made several remarks about the poor quality of the pen I was trying to take notes with, and of our difficulties lately finding the brand pen we had been used to using, and which worked so well. I intended to add more to my remarks, but Seth broke in at 9:58.)


By such a statement you effectively make sure that you will not find the pen you want, and it is a small example of the use of the wrong method.


(“I expect to find one in another store, though.” This is what I had intended adding to my statements.)


The remark that you just made was the kind of a remark that put an impediment between the desired end and...


Instead, you should see the pen you want in your mind, know that you will have a steady supply of them, recognize the statement you just made as leading away from your desire, and replacing it with a statement like the one you just made.


“I know I will find a store that carries the type of pen I desire.” This is a small illustration but a good one. You should study it, for it applies to everything, and any desire. You have within you a readymade method of achieving desire: positive visualization, positive imagination, and confidence.


Negative visualization, negative imagination, and the feeling that the result will not be achieved, leads to the opposite of your desire. There is no other way, nor answer. To affirm is to receive. To deny is to lose.



Now there have been some definite accomplishments since your prayer period, and if you had the proper attitude of expectancy in the beginning, both of you, you would have added gratitude in your prayers for what has been received. The overall condition is looser. The spirits almost immediately began to revive, outside of the few errors. The arms have dropped down once again from the very uptight position they held at the beginning of your venture. The aching and pain has disappeared, and the soreness is beginning to disappear.


To some extent, (underlined) you have still been concentrating upon the symptoms that remain, hardly noting those that have been relieved. This could have a tendency to undermine your confidence. Here I am pointing out adjustments to be made, but I do not mean to say that you have not been meeting with success.


With these adjustments made there will be a very noticeable change for the better and an acceleration of healing.


Your apartment-hunting ventures have added to a sense of freedom on both of your parts.


Now apply what I have said tonight about Ruburt to yourself, in terms of your desire for abundance in all things, and examine yourself to see what negative attitudes you have, that you may not have recognized. Take the pen example, and apply it to other things that you want; and remember again, imagination as a valuable tool used correctly. It is your paintbrush, with which you form your reality. Do you have questions?


(“No, I haven’t had a chance to think. I’m concentrating on selling paintings.”)


This is indeed beneficial. Think of selling them with love, and you must love the people you sell them to. I do not mean a false Pollyanna-type love, but you must feel that the paintings will bless them, and that you in turn accept the abundance in terms of money which will return to you.


The idea of the ad (to sell paintings) is a good one. There is a reason why you have done nothing about it. For one thing, remembering what you are reading, there are several attitudes that you should change, for while you believe them you work against your desire. And physical events then (underlined) seem to prove the attitudes true:


“Society does not give a hoot about the artist. We could starve for all most people care. People don’t want to buy a painting. They’d rather buy a TV set. People come in here and look at my paintings, but I don’t see them buying any. People don’t want to pay good money for paintings.”


Now these are merely a few ideas that come to mind, and while you hold them they form the reality in which you exist physically. Change the ideas around completely, and I tell you, you will sell your paintings. While you hold these ideas you are telling yourself that your desire cannot become fact.

Now do you have any questions?
(“I’ve been working on those attitudes.”)



Then I suggest we end the session, although I will answer any questions you have in mind.
(“Why did our landlord sell this house?”)



Give me a moment. (Pause.) One point, not having to do with the sale: he feels that you and Ruburt have no time for him, since he moved away. Telepathically he picked up your envy, and it hurts him because he is afraid of his own driving concern for money and security. This is why he plies you with food and drink when you do see him there. (At his dine-and-dance club.)


He is always afraid because he feels lost in disorganization. He feels guilty for his daughter’s difficulty. He sold the house on the one hand to make money, and on the other hand he sold it to do penance because in his own way he loved it. He talked of selling the land and tearing down the terrace as a projected act of self-mutilation, mutilating something that he loved, to do penance for his sins, in his light.


He felt driven to do so. He is filled with a great love that he can never fully express, and is gifted with an intuition that he cannot follow but cannot close out. His intuitional abilities are considerable. It was not because he did not care for the house, but because he did care that he sold it.


Now take your break or end the session as you prefer.
(“Well I guess we’ll end it then.”)



My heartiest wishes to you both, and a fond good evening.
(“Good night, Seth.”)




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