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发表于 2018-10-5 11:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

St. Germain via Dancing Dolphin: GCR/RVSITREP 10-3-18


Yes, Diana, it is I, St. Germain and I indeedhave a message for the Lightworkers of Earth tonight.

Today was a very big day for the emergence of the RV/GCR.Today was very important. Yes, I am speaking of Wed. Oct 3, 2018. The day whenthe world stood up and said “We’re not going to take it anymore” to the Cabal!We gave them a final warning shot across their bow and theyhave seen that we are serious. They know that if they do not surrender at thispoint that Mother God has declared that they may and will be ‘taken out’ to sayit crassly. They will be removed from this Earthy plane by White Hat militarypersonnel who are trained in this regard. No trials or court hearings for them.They have had their chance to turn to the light and to be evacuated in apeaceful manner. But they are hard core ‘fanatics’ as you say and will not giveup. This saddens all of us greatly. We have extended this event as long as wecould. We were all praying for some love to enter into their hearts so theycould be saved. But, alas, it was not to be.


So, you are asking for the status ofthe RV? I tell you, dear heart, IT’S ON! We’reramped up and ready to go! Please do tell your Lightworkers to be ready. I knowthey’ve been ready for years, but I mean REALLY READY. Not only for their appointments,but for the Post RV celebrations, then to get down to business and the play andfun that Mother just described to you about working with us. (Note from DD, he is referring to this post).

(【母神】你非常,非常接近完结了 http://awaker.info/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=9535&fromuid=2

By the way, ENJOY YOURSELVES during your appointments!!! Noneed to be nervous!!! We will be there with you to be sure. We love you andadore you all.


I’m not just telling you all to be ready for your exchange/redemptionappointments because I think you all are ready for those. What I am telling youis that you must give yourselves time to adjust post RV. We want to courage youall to go slow because the adjustment to your new lifestyle will be massive.But we also know that many of you will feel overwhelmed as there are SO MANYneeds to be met! As Mother said, CALL ON US! We can send you an idea as athought-form that will just pop into your mind. Say you have a list of 5projects that are vital to your community. Which to start first? ASK US. Wehave a ‘higher’ vantage point you might say and help you make those toughdecisions.


Are you ready to save the world? Are you ready to fight andlove and give the best you have to give? Are you ready to be Leaders in yourown communities? Lead the way with Love. You do not need to be walking throughthe streets with a bullhorn leading like an Army general. Lead by example. Leadwith love in your hearts. If you wish to stay anonymous, imbue your topexecutives with LOVE AND YOUR VISION.


I felt your excitement today, dear hearts as you receivedthe alerts on your phones. Many, many of you were thrilled because this was thefirst time that something predicted actually happened! Am I right? (Yes!!) Ifelt your joy! Get ready to enjoy more of that joy for it’s coming, dearhearts! And you all are in the front seat of the roller coaster of love! You’vegot front row seats to the best show in the Universe! Not bad, eh?


And when you are finally flush with prosperity and can beginyour LOVE WORK in the physical, your hearts will overflow with joy. I KNOW YOUALL! I know what’s in your hearts. I know that you want to help others and takeaway their pain. To help them to prosper and thrive and enjoy their new foundfreedoms! (Yes!) Well, it’s coming!


I AM ST. GERMAIN and just had to pop in here and share thiswonderful news tonight! Love to all! WE WILL CELEBRATE SOON!


Please feel free to share!


Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

翻译2:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/tlYE9fBrtgkr9BAlpMtUOA

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