There are two states of being that are natural states of being for your soul. One is joy and the other is unconditional love. When you fall into the density of being human, it is very difficult to remember that. 你灵魂的自然存在状态有两种。一是喜悦,二是无条件的爱。当你陷入人类的稠密能量时,就很难记住这一点。
That is what your ascension process is. It is remembering who you really are as you are having your human experience, and moving back into unconditional love and joy. They expand upon each other, joy and love do. When you are in your joy you are most connected to Source and you feel the expanded now moment of unconditional love. When you have a heart opening moment of unconditional love, you feel washed with joy. 这就是你的扬升过程。即在你拥有人类经验时记住你真正之所是,并回到无条件的爱和喜悦中。他们彼此相辅相成,充满欢乐和爱。当你处于喜悦之中时,你与源头的连结最为紧密,你会感受到无条件的爱在此刻扩展。当你敞开心扉接受无条件的爱时,你会感到充满喜悦。
So if you want more unconditional love in your life, find the path of joy and follow it. If you ant more joy in your life, practice unconditional love and you will feel that emotion wrap you up and make your heart sing. Each one is a catalyst for the other, and completely available to you whenever you choose, taking you back into the higher energies your soul craves, and allowing you to experience heaven on earth. 因此,如果你想在生活中获得更多无条件的爱,请找到喜悦之路并遵循它。如果你想在生活中获得更多喜悦,那么请练习无条件的爱,你会感觉到这种情感包裹着你,让你的心歌唱。每一个都是另一个的催化剂,只要你选择,你就可以完全使用它,带你回到你灵魂渴望的更高能量,让你体验人间天堂。
传讯:Shelley Young 译者:LoveNPeace