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发表于 2018-10-18 09:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Saint Germain via James McConnell,

IAm Your Saint Germain! In these times that are approaching, your main times ofthe changes that are developing, the changes that are happening behind thescenes. Many of you take this upon faith, that what we say, what many have beensaying is accurate, and is going to happen.


There are those of you that somewhat become disconsolate attimes. Where you wonder, why do you keep hearing this over and over, and yetthe changes do not appear, at least not as you were expecting them to. And wetell you each and every time, be patient. Changes are here, they’re all aroundyou. All you need to do is open your eyes, both your physical eyes and yourthird eye.

Youwill see everything that is developing. As always it is for those that haveeyes to see and ears to hear. You have been seeing and you have been hearing.But there are times when you do not trust what you see, you do not trust whatyou hear. Because it is clouded over by the many misconceptions, andmisconstruings that are put before you by the various operations that are outthere. Championed by the mass media.

Themass media that you all turn to to see what is real. As many of you have cometo understand what is coming through the mass media now is anything but real.

Forthe most part, it is a false revealing of the truth. But those of you know thereal truth, know it deep within you. And whenever you hear it from any sourceand it resonates within you, you know at that point that is the truth.

Weknow you do not even need to ask, anyone of us, or anyone, is this the truth?Because you know it, it resonates within you. And I tell you now as SaintGermain, that these changes that you have been expecting, that we have beencreating this expectation for purposefully. Because if you have the expectationwithin you, than you will create the visions that go along with it. And as youcreate the visions, you are than creating the reality.

Youare bringing into existence, into the collective consciousness, those veryvisions that you have been creating. So create my dear brothers and sisters,create, create, create. Do not stop. For this is the new age, new Golden Age.And in this new Golden Age your creation process becomes your reality so muchfaster.

Youhave been use to the buffer zone that you have had within this 3D illusion.That buffer zone is going to fade away over time. It will be replaced byinstant manifestation. So get in the habit now of creating and knowing that asyou are creating with your visions with your intentions that you are creatingyour future, every single moment of every single day. So create what it is thatyou want, not what you don’t want.

Whetheryou put the creation out there as a want or as a not want, it will come tofruition. The Universe will provide one way or the other, always know this. Youcan expect in the very close future now, you can expect many of those changesto begin to reveal themselves. Many of those things that have been happeningbehind the scenes are about to come forward. Not only to those of you with eyesto see, but to all of man. To the collective consciousness of man. Because thetruth cannot be hidden much longer.

Eventhough there are those that try, that continue to do their variousmanipulations, to hold the truth back. They will not be able to do it muchlonger. It is no longer possible for them to be in control. Except for thecontrol they still have for the very small operations. Things that they havealways done, that have always worked for them, that continue to pound theirhead against the stone, thinking this will continue to work, just as it alwayshas. But they are more and more realizing that what they have always done willno longer work.

Whatdo they have left? They have only the light to turn to. But will they turn tothe light? We shall see. But as of now, they have been given manyopportunities, one right after another, to turn to the light. Many times theyhave turned away from the light. And embrace the darkness once again.

Asthey embrace the darkness, they cannot hold the light, they cannot have both.They are learning that very fast.

Withthat learning, comes a complete turnaround, all of the mistruths, that you haveheard, for your entire lifetime, and many lifetimes before this. For the truthshall certainly set you free.

Iam Saint Germain. I leave you with the Violet Fire to cleanse away all thatstill holds you to this 3D illusion. Let it go, and move on. Peace and love bewith all of you.

翻译2:https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0 ... VSQgFCsQbCLqmkcvNWQ

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