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发表于 2018-10-17 08:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
#13 How the Future Is Creating the Present


Archangel Michael:


As you can perceive, there is much unfolding across Earth. Each day produces surges forward and upward. Yes, often the duress of such profound change feels intense, so it is helpful to maintain the perspective that this is due to the huge energetic and practical accomplishments you are most assuredly achieving. Also, keep in your awareness that it is not Earth's past which dictates her future - and since that is true - then what does?


The past does not create the future. Isn't that good news?! Your current situation is not merely the momentum of your past rolling recklessly down the mountain of life, crushing everything in its path. Your present situation is not just a tally sheet of former wins and losses.


Yes, the momentum of your past decisions and cumulative choices plays a role in your ever-appearing present, yet it is your future that truly shapes and forms your now. How is that so?


Whenever you have a thought, it slings like an arrow through the air of space and time, landing in the Land of Intention, also known as The Future. A thought all by itself is not really very potent in the scheme of creation. It is when a thought becomes super- powered by the fuel of your feelings that a thought becomes a rocket of manifestation.


The rocket of your thought, powered by your emotions, lands in the future. Unless you change the thought, your life will be magnetized towards the fulfillment of the thought. This entire process occurs in the NOW eternal moment. The clearer your thought and the stronger your feelings, the more directly and potently your intention will manifest into waking reality.


If you were to muddy the creation slipstream with thoughts of doubt or worry, for example, and then superpower those thoughts with emotions of anxiety and fear, well you can see what would happen to the original thought. It becomes overrun with the confusing instructions of the newly launched aberrant thoughts which do not support your original intention at all. Chaos ensues, and the clear path to your dream becomes overrun with things you did not even want to experience.


Similar thought-forms which feed on this new vibration, now dog pile onto the situation, looking for an energetic meal. Without even realizing it, you have rung the dinner bell for low mind density.


Before you hardly know what's happening, you find yourself deluged with thoughts and emotions such as: disappointment, regret, hopelessness, confusion, anger, despondency, defeat, and many more. You become so overwhelmed it's almost impossible to recall the passion of your original dream much less figure out how to clean up this emotional mess.


The solution is remarkably simple and powerful. Your lightsaber of clean creation is choice. During any and every portion of your creation process you may make a different or a new choice.  You may choose a fresh thought or you may choose again your original thought, and even more importantly you may choose a different or new feeling.

解决方案非常地简单和强力。你清理造物的光剑就是一个选择。在你创造过程的任何部分,你可以做出一个不同或 新的选择。你可以选择一个新的想法或再次选择你最初的想法,更重要的,你可以选择一个不同或新的感受

When you - once and for all - decide to choose your thoughts and feelings you will be sovereign, you will be free. It will no longer matter to you in a binding manor what is happening in the arising reality around you because you will be alive and at peace choosing your way through, up and out of the density jungle.


Long before Earth entered into its current descending spiral of experience, Father-Mother God sent out a rocketship of thought feeling creation into the future for all of Earth and every soul dwelling upon her.


The crystal clear thought empowered by their loving feelings was the prophesy which would land in Earth's future, eventually magnetizing every reality into its ultimate fulfillment. That prophesy by Father-Mother God is: Earth and all upon her will rise and be resurrected into the high Light of God once again and forevermore.


With your gift of Free Will, you may now choose the arrows of thoughts and feelings you sling into the future of time and space and beyond, creating your experience pathway to this grand eventuality. Earth and all upon her will be restored to God/Light/Love. The new Golden Age is not only real but it is inevitable.


Serving alongside you, I am Archangel Michael


通灵:Christine Burk
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/BsOxLnbo94pRXwDp3MDWkw

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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