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发表于 2018-9-19 11:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第九维度大角星委员会 20180917

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We have begun to explore the different possibilities that exist in your very near future as a collective, and we are happy to say that we see you moving in a direction that is taking you closer and closer to experiences that you all wanted for quite some time. You have the equinox approaching, and it is a time of balance. When you are in that time of balance as a human collective, you are more likely to bring together some of the polarities that have been keeping you apart as a collective.


We have seen the ways in which beings of different races, religions, and genders have been pushing against one another, and we see that very little progress has been made. You have all done a wonderful job of exposing the problems that exist, and you have begun to talk about the problems that have been present on your planet for quite some time. What we see you moving towards during this time of balance is a greater balance of power.


For a very long time, there have been imbalances, and those imbalances have been mostly the result of the color of a person’s skin, their gender, their sexual orientation, and what religion and nation they belong to. Now, the time has come for the leveling of the playing field there on Earth, as you are all born of Source, and you are all born of your planet.


The bringing together of the seemingly opposing sides will come as soon as there is an acknowledgement that there are no real sides, and the us versus them mentality that has been on your planet for far too long is crumbling with the greater awareness of who you really are. The influx of love that is coming your way on the equinox is going to help. So be sure to feel for it, and feel for the effects of it, because it’s time. It’s time for humanity to become one, integrated, and whole as you were always intended to be.


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you


Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are impressed with your ability to find new ways to let go of that which does not serve you. We see you creating ceremonies around letting go. We see you crying and letting go. We see you using your will and your discipline to let go of that which is no longer in alignment with who you are.


You take yourselves to new levels of awareness all the time, and so you are constantly finding more and more about the old way and your old approaches to life that are no longer in alignment with who and what you are becoming. Now, letting of something is different from resisting it or denying that it ever existed. You don’t need to denounce anything that was once a part of your life, and you certainly don’t need to make sure everyone else is aware of how inappropriate that thing is that you’re letting go of.


Instead, you just need to recognize the vibrational incompatibility. Now, some things that no longer serve you in your lives are habitual. Some things you actually do out of traditional. Some you will continue to do out of a sense of obligation. You are almost as creative in the ways that you hold on to that which no longer serves you, but recently we have seen humanity make tremendous strides in letting go of that which is of a lower frequency, that which does not serve.


The important thing to realize is that you don’t have to look at your past as filled with mistakes and things you need to regret. You don’t have to punish yourselves for having taken part in something that is of a low frequency. You can simply look at whatever it is like a pair of jeans that no longer fit you.


You can see everything as growth, and the fact that you are willing to take the steps necessary, creative as they are, to let go of something is an accomplishment. It’s something to feel proud of. Rather than regretting that which has been, celebrate what you are moving into, and continue to create the wonderful and beautiful ceremonies and processes and exercises for letting go, saying goodbye to that which has worn out its welcome. And we will continue to acknowledge you for it.


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.


通灵:Daniel Scranton
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/IgqPPyOHTf0u2zrpuS7t-A

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info



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