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发表于 2018-9-14 12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Divine Mother says, dear heart, I am your Divine Mother. I know some of you are not able to handle these intense energies well. Some even plunged into the deep place. Others, who have already ascended, are still being impacted by the energies, and now facing illness, etc.


so, what does all that mean? Does that mean your ascension journey has failed? No dear ones, not at all. What these energies are doing is to activate your dormant so called junk DNAs. In other words, these dormant DNAs need to come online so that your spiritual capacities can come online, and your eternal health and youth can be installed.


Due to the deterioration of the human race, Divine, at some point, had to turn off the so called dormant DNAs in order for humanity to be able to function in a society that is so dense and primitive. That is the requirement of being to be able to fully function on earth since the fell of the planet into such a low degree and environment. That is unfortunate but necessary so that humanity can continue the experiment without risking spiritual demise. In doing so, you all have lost that instant connection with your innate, and so you function purely under the influence of the ego mind. And that is where majority of the world population is, and that is why we have to come down, and wake up the population and bring the planet, which is on the verge of destruction, back to life.


In doing so, Divine hopes that we can reserve the planet and bring her back to her pristine condition, and bring humanity up a notch.


That being said dear ones, the reason you are having difficulty dealing with the energies is because your body is being restored. Your ancient DNAs are being reawakened and being brought out of the slums to come back online. Your spiritual gifts are being reawakened so that you can be the true Divine being you are supposed to be. And that is the process you are going through, and that process is called spiritual awakening or simply put -back to the true design of yours. You are an ascending human race and you represent the Divine human, new human race which can connect with their true Divine nature, and function under the influence of the Divine nature and love. It is my design dear children on earth. It is my desire that you all can wake up to your true potential and come home.


So, if you are the ones who are having difficulty dealing with the reawakening process, know you are not alone. There are millions out there struggling with the ascension process and eventually, once the process is over, you will realize and appreciate the fact that you ascended. You will see the results of it and what a truly Divine being is capable of and what your true Divine gifts is.


I love you my precious children on earth, I am your Divine Mother. In this energy, I also see how many of my children suffer. It does not matter why they suffer, what strikes me is the way they handle the sufferings. In order for the situations to get better, you need to find that inner strength dear heart. That strength can help you deal with life in general. It is the most important weapon you have as a human being. You need that strength in order to go through anything, whether it is a loss of a loved one, or loss of your precious parents or personal health. You need to go there, get the strength you need in order to move forward.


Some of my children get lost simply because there are changes in their lives and they fall to negative behaviors. In their mind, if I don't have to face problems, the problems don't exist. So, they bury their head in the sand and pretend there is nothing that bothers them. And yet, at a deep level, they know that is not true, and they don't know what to do to face this conflict so they look for help all over the place, except the inner strength. Dear heart, the only solution you need lies within yourself. It is your innate that can help you. You need to sit down and find the connection, the connection you have with your inner self, the Divine within, your inner guru, your guidance system. Only in that way can you find the solutions for your life and heal the issues you face, and that is the true solution dear heart. Sit down and connect, connect with the Divinity within you. In your heart, there is tremendous love and wisdom, connect with that love and wisdom, know you are loved. You are full of love. There is nothing on this planet that you can not solve once you connect with Divine. Using your wisdom. That is the fact, and that is what I want my children to remember.


Life itself is not what you think it is. Life is neutral. There is no such thing called a good life or an unfortunate life. All life is precious and all life is a gift. What you do with it and how you live your life makes the difference. Try to remember that your life is a gift from your God self, and no life on earth has not been diligently designed and created. So, live your life as it is-a precious gift. Remember your life is not yours. It is a God given gift. It is precious so treat it with great respect and appreciation. Know all life is equal. No life is short unless you make it short. No life is less than unless you make it less than. No life is a loss unless you make it a loss. And no life is absolutely perfect. That is a myth. Human perfection is a myth. Humans tend to pursue perfection which is a relative term. You don't need to be perfect because there is no such thing called perfect. The only perfect you have is the Divine design and that design never changes on you and never becomes obsolete. So, try to remember that. You are perfect in your own way. In Divine's eyes and you are the only one who matters to your self and to Divine. You all are unique in your own way, and you all are perfect. There is absolutely no reason to feel imperfect. You must try your hardest to correct that. You are perfect. You are loved. And that is the message and that is what I want you to remember.


I love you my precious children on earth. I am your Divine Mother. Go in peace dear ones.


通灵:Linda Li
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Z318RS3enluaz14qFhM3pw

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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发表于 2018-9-14 13:00 | 显示全部楼层

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