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发表于 2018-9-14 12:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Mother Gaia& Mother God via Galaxygirl, September 11th, 2018

Greetings children, it isI, your Mother Gaia. Much change is afoot, and although to many I may look thesame, I am not, just as you children, you are not. You are not the same todaythat you were even yesterday with all of these energy influxes of light fromthe Great Central Sun, from the womb of creation, blessing and bestowing graceand release in new and unusual, unexpected ways. For we are being released, youand I, of what we have been and we are becoming more of what we used to be,before the darkness descended and before we experimented with the darkheaviness of energies that forgot the light.

It has been exhaustingchildren. I too am weary but much of me has already been created in the NewWorld, the new place, the new me, and you children are helping me in more waysthan you could know now, in this Now moment of moments, when the memories arefuzzy but the hope and faith are high. This is perhaps what I love most aboutyou children – your fierce optimism and tenacious faith that the light willwin. And children do you see that it has won? That you are standing tall invictory? “Oh, not quite so”, many of you are muttering – but perhaps you don’tyet see yourselves as I see you, through the loving eyes of a mother who knowsher children through and through? I see that battles that you have fought, wonand lost. I see the many instances that you have had to choose dark or lightand how you kept – keep – choosing faith and light and love. It warms my heartchildren.

I am your Mother Gaia. Ihave unlimited – eternal love for you. I am love. I am a planet of loveascended – that is my desire children that you should help me build and createthis environment of healing, of love, of renewal and of joy – tremendous joy.It is time the we all rest in joy. And so children, let us do a meditation forI know that many of you are too weary-worn to do this on your own veryregularly right now, as the energy waves have been beating and stirring you tobits, so it seems. But the waves are just caressing out the dross that you no longerneed so that you will be a better vibrational match for the wave of waves, theheartbeat of the Mother of All Things. For she is coming, children. She ishere. She is within you as these fingers type fast and furiously – she is here.I see her when I look into your precious eyes. I see you reflected in her tearsas she cries tears of relief and utter joy that the light has won.
我是你的母亲盖亚。我对你们有无限的永恒的爱。我是爱。我是一颗扬升的星球——这是我的愿望,孩子们,你们应该帮助我建立和创造这个疗愈、爱、复兴和欢乐的环境——巨大的喜悦。那时我们会在喜悦中休息。所以,孩子们,让我们做一个冥想,因为我知道你们中的许多人已经疲惫了,现在很难自己做这件事了,因为能量波一直在敲击和搅动你们,看起来是这样的。但是波浪只是抚去你不再需要的渣滓,这样你才能更好地与波一起振动,这波浪是万物之母的心跳。因为她已到来,孩子们。她已在这里,她在你之内,当你的手指快速地打字时——她就在这里。 她就在这里。当她因光的胜利而眼含喜悦的泪光时,我看到你们映在她的泪光里。

Thelight has won! And you children, my precious ones, are weary. Come. Sit on mysandy shores. Go there in your mind should you be unable to do otherwise. Itmatters not. You are in a hologram as it is.So create what you want! Sit on a cool sandy beach now. The sky is twilight andthe purple blue and pink hues take your breath away. Itis my sunset painting for you, in love for you. Feel the smooth sea breeze dryyour salty tears and push your tendrils off of your face so that you can seeclearly. We are one. Look at your sandy toes. Each grain of sand is a lifetime,a memory, a hurt, a joy. It is all sand coalescing into oneness. We are one.We are inextricably linked together, you and me.

I am Gaia, your mother,feel free to tell me anything. Confide in me. I am a grand listener. We planetsperhaps listen the best. We wait ever patiently as experiments, as time, aseons pass. We hear all. We see all things. Know that I am ascending. Grounddeeply into my crystalline core into the New Earth, the New World. Much likethe explorers of old discovered a new continent, so will you discover me in allof my grandeur, my beauty and I promise the green will be greener, the bluelike crystalline blue that sparkles in the moonlight. For I am radiant here, aswill you be. And the 5D colors alone are worth the wait. It has been myprivilege to speak with you today children, warriors of the light, bringers ofthe old ways that are here to be forever returned and re-grounded into me,creating the foundation for a new galactic society, interchange, where theothers will come and learn and bask in my beauty. I am your Mother Gaia. I loveyou children so. Be at peace. Sit on my beach and remember who you are and whyyou came. You came for me, just as I am forever here for you. We are one.



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