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发表于 2018-9-4 11:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Every aspect of your life on earth is purposeful, meaningful, and focused on a single objective, to resolve karma which is experienced as incomplete and dense energies that remain in the earth’s grid from past life trauma. Each person who creates these energies must eventually return them to a divine state. This is your soul mission and each lifetime’s purpose is to complete that mission. Therefore, every life choices revolves around the choice to release the energy or repeat it, to create closure or to continue it.


There is no right or wrong way to do this and there is no right or wrong choice. A choice to release is no better than a choice to repeat, it merely indicates that the learning is incomplete with that situation and another energy cycle is required. This also applies to closure or continuation. If you are not ready for unconditional closure, then you will choose to continue the lesson, no matter how painful, traumatic, unrewarding, or challenging it is.


But often those choices are made from a desire to see healing and completion in others, and not from your own healing perspective. Can you be healed if you notice that others involved in your karmic cycle and soul groups are not? While you may believe your life is a purpose to heal others, it is a purpose to heal yourself, to release dense energies created by soul trauma, to forgive yourself and to create closure in all 3D pathways. What others choose to do with their mission, purpose, and energy does not influence your own healing unless you allow it to.


The desire to be in the higher frequencies of joy, peace, and prosperity are dependent on release and closure for it is only when you are ready to allow yourself to experience your life in the congruent harmony of its full 5D energetic expression that you can choose this path. But you must do so without looking back, fearing that you are not finished, that others are not healed, and that you will be judged for your choices. The Universe does not judge what you do for others by being in service to their healing. Instead, you judge yourself based on what you see others doing. Yet this is something you cannot fully know so you assume a healing mission where it does not exist.


Instead of being a servant, your mission is to be a master of your own energy. Instead of being a servant to others’ healing, you are to be a source of inspiration that they can choose when they are ready to release their own lessons and give themselves closure. This is not a lonely path unless you judge your own healing, growth, and ascension path based on what you see others doing.


Release your own guilt and shame at being in joy when you feel others are not.


Acceptance of others’ choices is your karmic release and the pathway to release and closure to fully express your potential and complete your ascension path. Be true to your own path as that is where you will find the joy, love, and peace you seek and you can inspire others to heal through your mastery and not as a servant to their healing path.


通灵:Jennifer Hoffman
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/oL5bgfKRESuHIKwCj4NokA

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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