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发表于 2018-8-24 13:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Greetings, I AM St. Germaine, Keeper of the Violet Flame, Keeper of the I AM. It is an honorary title and one that has been gifted and bestowed upon me because, also, I know what it is to be human. And I know, my beloveds, in your rapid ascension that is fully underway and to which you are committed, that this anchoring of your I AM and The I AM, there is no separation…it is simply a matter of degree. This has need to be in full blossom, in full acceptance, in every cell and fiber of your being…physical body as well, and all your other bodies, your expanded, eternal, infinite self which has always held the I AM.

问候,我是圣哲曼,紫罗兰火焰的保持者,我是(I AM)的保持者。这是一个荣誉称号,赐予和授予我的,因为,我也知道作为人是什么样的。我知道,亲爱的,在你快速的扬升(正全面展开)中,你所致力于的,你在锚定你的我是(I AM)以及唯一的我是(I AM),没有分离...这只是一个层面的问题。这需要全面绽放,全面接纳,在你存在的每个细胞和纤维中...以及物理身体,你所有的其他身体,你扩张、永恒、无限的自我中---总是持有着我是(I AM)

So in many ways, when I bring my Violet Flame to thee, what I am doing is simply reawakening and helping you to remember the essence and the truth of who you are, of who you have always, infinitely and eternally been…in and out of form. You are splendor. You are grace. You are the embodiment of the I AM, of the essence of our Mother and Father unified as One.

所以在许多方式中,当我把紫罗兰火焰带给你,我所做的只是重新唤醒和帮助你忆起你所是、你一直、无限、永远所是的本质与真理...有形或无形。你是壮丽的。你是优雅的。你是我是(I AM),我们母亲和父亲联合为一的体现

So yes, I come this day, yet again, of reawakening, of remembering, of surrendering, of accepting. You have dawned your mantle of Divine Authority. But, this is not the regal robes of false authority, of kings and queens and abusers of authority. Think of your mantle of Divine Authority as hopsacking…yes, you may prefer silk, you may prefer velvet trimmed in ermine. And, of course, that is one form.


But what I speak to you of today is moving amongst the people. Yes,  you call them human beings…we call them hybrids and earth-keepers and star beings and angels and archangels in form…but Gaians one and all!


Just as the channel has stated earlier in your discussions, your Divine Authority has always been an essential, quintessential, part of your being. It has been reawakened. There have been bestowing’s and ceremony, but it has always been part and parcel of who you are.


Why do you think so many of you, regardless of race or color or economics or social status, why do you think you are so fiercely independent? “Don’t tell me what to do. I know what I want, I know what I feel, I know what I want to do.” And then, of course, you cower in the corner afraid of what you might create or miscreate and you say, “Please tell me what to do.”


But in fact, that energy of your independence, of your freedom, has always been within you. Like a child who learns to walk or ride a bike, at first you want support, and then you say, “Don’t hold me, don’t hold me. I know what to do.” And you do!


So often you have held back fearing that you would create or contribute to greater chaos because you have witnessed for eons what has been created and miscreated upon this planet. It is one of the reasons I have vowed not to return until the Golden Age is firmly well along the way.


You are the bravest ones. You are the ones that have stepped forward, not forced, you have stepped forward and said, “I know what to do. I’ll go, Mother!” And you have and now you are in a time of change that has never been witnessed upon this planet, supported mightily from the Mother, to me, and everything in-between.


But my beloveds, you, you are the implementors and that is why I have requested and asked and come this day, to remind you and reawaken and reinvigorate the Violet Flame within you, around you, above you, below you, because it is your essential I AM. Because you are being requested to step forward in the confidence, and the fullness, and the truth, and the might of who you are in your essential Divine Knowing and Divine Authority to create what was always planned from day one, eons ago…for this beautiful planet to be a place of love.

但,亲爱的,你,你是实现者,所以我被请求,要求在今天前来,提醒你,重新唤醒和复兴你之内、周围、之上、之下的紫罗兰火焰,因为它是你基本的我是(I AM)。因为你被请求去在自信、圆满、真理以及你所是的强大中向前一步,在你基本的神圣知晓和权威中创造从恒久前的第一天开始计划的东西...让这个美丽的星球成为爱之地

It is so simple and yet, it has been notoriously off-track. And yes, massive chaos has come to the surface and is being cleaned and cleared. So, where you see…whether it is next door neighbor, or Washington, or Moscow, Jerusalem, or Syria, Uganda, Zimbabwe, wherever you see anything that is not of love, take it in your hands, cup it as if you are trying to get a glass of water, a sip of water…cup it, put it in your hands, whether it is an entire continent or an individual, and allow the Violet Flame that is burning brightly in your hands to begin to transmute and transform it. Send the Violet Flame from your third eye, from your heart, into your hands, make it the bonfire.


This is concrete action. This is not merely esoteric meditation and wishful thinking and hoping for the best. When you are working with the Violet Flame you are claiming your multi-dimensional self, you are going into other dimensions with your I AM Presence and with The I AM Presence and bringing to the current situation that which is required.


I am pleading with you to give this a few minutes every day. This is what you have said you could do…in addition to being teacher, or a healer, or channel, or wife, or mother…it matters not. All of you, all of you, my beloveds, are healers. Alchemy is just that which is not understood, the same way as miracles are simply what people think of as unexplainable. It is merely you accessing Source and bringing forth what is required, not needing to itemize or identify every single speck of energy, but simply knowing it is love…and you are love.


And you are so deeply loved. You are deeply honored and respected and treasured and cherished…and my beloveds, you are needed and your help is needed on planet right now.


So, I thank you, I thank you! Go with my love. Farewell.


通灵:Linda Dillon
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RXP_NouuelFOtVg_yzQkXQ


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