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发表于 2018-8-23 13:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Archangel Michael: Continue Now In All Ways To UseYour Discernment

IAM Archangel Michael.


And I come at this time to be with you, to share with you, tobring you forward into that new understanding that you are all coming toward.Many things are in a matter of flux at this point. Many things outside ofyourself, but many things are shifting and changing within you. And all of thisis natural. All of this is part of the great orchestration of the GreatPlan that is in the works. You, as you know, many of you know now, are all partof this great plan. Are all part of making this great plan become all that itcan be. For without you, there would be no plan—no implementation of this plan.

Soallow yourselves now to begin to understand and know more and more who you areand as you are coming to conflicts and various things that come up in yourlife, know that you need to continue to use that discernment, that part that iswithin you, to know what is right for you or not right for you—butfeels right. And if it feels right, it usually is so.


Whenyou think of spreading the light, when you think of sharing the light, it isnot to go and speak to everyone out there, for not all are ready to listen.Many are not yet awakened, such as you are. But for those that are justbeginning their awakening process, they are ripe for you to bring a newunderstanding to them. That is when you reach out. That is when you share thelight that is within you. And as you share the light that is within you, youmerge with the light that is within each other. For many of you are goingthrough a merging process now. You are merging with your Higher Selves. You aremerging or beginning the process of merging with your Twin Souls, your TwinFlame. That is all in the works at this point. Moving in the process ofAscension.


Ascensionis just that. Ascending, moving to a higher frame of existence, a highervibration of love. For at that higher vibration, there is nothing but love. Allof the old paradigm, all of the old lower emotions will dissipate more and moreover this process, until finally there will be nothing but pure love, loveunconditional for yourself, and for each and every member, or each and everylife form on the planet.


Youall now are in the process. You are all in the process of moving forward, ofbecoming all that you can be, all that you were meant to be. All that you knowyourselves to be. For deep within you, you all have those memories, thatknowing of who you are, and how you are all coming back to this understanding.


Isay to you now, as Archangel Michael, I say to you now to trust. Trust inyourself. Trust in your fellow human being. Trust in all the life forms aroundyou. For all life forms are you, and you are all life forms. We are all Onewith the Universe.


Everythingnow is exactly as it needs to be in this very moment. And in the next moment,and the next moment after that, you continue to move through into new understandings,new re-memberings, new levels of consciousness. For the old consciousness, theold ways is falling away very rapidly now, and is being replaced by the newhigher level of consciousness that you all are.


Continuenow in all ways to use your discernment. That is a very important message atthis time. For things will come along at various times and you will wonder,have you been on the right track all along. You will wonder if you were beingmislead. But if you go deep within yourself, you will always have that answer.Ask within yourself and truly know thyself.


Allof my peace and love be with all of you, as we continue on in this journeytogether, fighting the good fight, but, of course, fighting it with light andlove. For that in the final analysis is all that matters.



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