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发表于 2018-8-14 11:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Greetings to you from The Council of Angels during this season of light upon the New Earth. We are so happy to be with you again. The channel Goldenlight has been taking some much needed rest during the last year or so our messages have been few and far between. We thank you for your patience in getting out a new message to you.. we know it has been a long time.


We are sending our greetings on this evening to you for the most blessed season of light and wish to speak to you this evening of embracing your own inner divine light. Your inner divine light is something that shines so brightly even when you cannot see it. Getting in tune with your own inner divine essence or spark allows you to harmonize with your own divine essence and divinity. Every being everywhere is an emanation of the divine, of Source Creator… that means that all beings are in fact divine since they essentially are offspring of the Divine Source Creator.


There are no exceptions to this… every being everywhere in the multiverse is an emanation of the Source Creator. Some may have strayed from their own inner light or from their light which is connected to the divine Source Creator, but it does not change their essential nature. It is in turning to one’s own inner light and embracing this inner light which is a part of the divine that one who has strayed from the light may return to their essential divine nature and goodness. One may wonder why there is so much darkness on your planet today and this is the answer, it is very simple, they have simply strayed from their own inner divine light.


The more each being can embrace their own inner divine light and feel their loving connection to Source Creator through embracing their divine light, the more each being is able to shine their light and love unto others and onto the planet. An increasing flow of higher dimensional Source Creator energy, which has been raising the consciousness of the collective whole of your planet for quite some time, continues to flow through each being on earth.


Each being now has the opportunity to embrace this higher dimensional energy and embrace their own inner light so that they may continue to harmonize with this higher dimensional energy, these higher dimensional frequencies, which originate from Source Creator and which are bathing your planet now in a higher dimensional light.


This higher dimensional light corresponds to your own inner higher dimensional light… remember you are a spiritual being having a human experience, and your soul comes from the higher dimensions. This experience that you’re having on earth is a temporary mirage created for the experience of your soul’s learning, development, and growth.


Every person on the planet chose to be here at this time; this is a pivotal time in the history of your planet as each person continues to awaken and embrace their divine inner light.. as each person realizes that indeed we are all One.. we all do come from the same Source Creator even though each of us are so very seemingly different and unique.. we all come from the One.


We are all one essentially… this is one of the greatest concepts to integrate into your experience there… this integration and this expression of your inner light will continue to propel your society forward into the new Golden Age. Raising your frequency is in fact unavoidable for those who will be staying on your planet for any length of time. There will be no choice, as this higher dimensional energy has its own way of uplifting you…the integration with this higher dimensional energy can be challenging as your body’s cells are also changing, and the frequency of light in your body’s cells is also raising.


Remembering that this is a temporary experience in a holographic reality helps you to control your experience and to create the experience that you wish to have. And having an awareness, a knowing of these higher dimensional energies will, we hope, also assist you in your journey there during this Season of Light.

记住这是全息现实中的一个暂时体验会帮助你掌控你的体验, 创造你希望拥有的体验。意识到、知晓这些更高维度的能量,我们希望,也会协助你的旅程,在这个光之季节

This is a good time of year to go within and to embrace this inner light… to spend time in meditation and connecting with your higher self and, if you wish, with the angelic realm.. and we will inspire you to be the highest and greatest version of you that you can be.


We will keep this message brief tonight… we are happy to be back with you and hope to join you again soon… enjoy this special time in your life and remember to embrace your inner light with all your heart knowing that you indeed are a spark of the divine, as are all beings on and in your planet, all planets everywhere, and in all of creation everywhere. Keeping this in mind as you go about your day will help to raise your frequency and the frequency of everyone with whom your lives intersect.


We are enjoying the observance of your planet being bathed in this divine higher frequency energy from Source Creator. May your earthen society as a whole continue to evolve into higher dimensional awareness as you continue to proceed into the new Golden Age on earth.


We are with you to assist you in embracing your own inner divine light and continuing to evolve as a spiritual being knowing that your time there is temporary and that your real true nature is divine and always will be.


Sending you the higher frequency love from Source Creator,


We are,The Council of Angels including


Archangel Gabriel


Archangel Michael


Archangel Raphael


Archangel Chamuel


and Archangel Zadkiel


翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/NZSURyfniBPbaYofXM4Geg


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