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发表于 2018-8-8 11:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【Brenda Hoffman】8月3日

Dear Ones,


We wish to address your fear that all is not well in your life. That what you experienced the past few days will be forever.


Even though such might be true for those who do not wish to join the light train, those of you reading this message no longer need to believe in doom and gloom. For you, en masse, have transitioned beyond fear.


You are no longer of 3D no matter how diligently you try to be.


Some of you are laughing because who would wish to remain in fear given the opportunity of a life of joy? Who indeed? So it is you have cleared entire lifetimes of fear, as well as fear dust pockets. Resulting in your accurate proclamation that you are no longer of 3D.


If you are angry or fearful, you are merely playing at being of 3D. A somewhat difficult concept to grasp for who would wish to play with fear and anger? You or you would not be asking about fear.


So it is you are learning you no longer wish to feel or play with fear. The fear that was is no longer fun, interesting, or practical. For when you become fearful or angry, you halt the flow of love and joy that is now rightfully yours.


What are you to do if someone in your inner circle is projecting fear or anger? The answer is always your choice. But the choice you are discovering as the most uncomfortable internally is to join them in their fear or anger. For doing so merely enhances their anger, their fear.


Perhaps such does not necessarily yet compute with you, but it will. For you are discovering that joining someone beginning to transition or solidly in 3D, does not make your life or their life more joyful. It merely becomes a group pity party.


Perhaps, you are doing so to “whip them into shape” or in more Universal terms, “for them to partake of love and joy.” Something you are not capable of doing. For each must declare freedom from fear in their own way and time.


Some of you are concerned those you love may never shift away from fear. You cannot make anyone do anything even though their need for love is obvious.


Many are now moving through their deepest fears, their dark night of the soul. Something you accomplished months or years ago. So just as is true for an older sibling who cannot understand why their younger sibling does not comprehend the rules of the game they wish to play, so it is for you now.


You have found the light. But that does not mean those you love are at the same place or Universal age if you will.


You cannot make anyone do anything, or more to the point for this channel, feel anything. This is an inside-out transition. So your words of love, support, anger, or fear mean little or nothing to them for they are a different Universal age.


Allow them to transition in their time. The question then becomes, “What if the two of you are too far apart emotionally?” Again, that is your choice. Do you continue on your path knowing you will leave them behind? Do you slow down to help them along? Or do you leave completely?


A quandary in which more and more of you are finding yourselves enmeshed. Such is little different from an older sibling remaining in a school grade so his or her younger sibling can catch up. Of course, such does not happen for each child must learn what they are capable of learning when they are capable of doing so.


So it is for you. Even though you may wish to slow your progress so those you love will catch up to you, such is not possible for you are too advanced to slow down. In truth, you are racing down your path.


Perhaps you are fearful of losing a relationship – not that that relationship is particularly right for you, but that it is what you know. It is comfortable.


Those who make you angry or fearful, but remain of your heart, will catch up eventually just as is true for a younger sibling.


The difference is that it will not take decades or years for such to happen for you are their beacon, their light. And they are more afraid of losing you than you can possibly imagine.


Of course, such an explanation does not cover those who have no intention of transitioning or are not part of your beacon. For your beacon can only be seen by those on their transition path.


You will know without needing to check with friends or relatives if those who make you angry or fearful will continue to be of your life. If the thought of leaving them, gives you a feeling of great relief, it is time to go. If such a thought creates sadness or a feeling that you do not wish to leave their presence, it merely means they are of your beacon just not at your current level.


Which of course, appears ominous for when will you feel the need to leave? Those in your light, your beacon are transitioning much more rapidly than was true for you.


As a historical reminder, the first United States scoutmasters needed years to discover what lay beyond the Mississippi River. Those scoutmasters were followed by wagon trains and eventually railroads and automobiles. Each method of transportation or discovery more rapidly completing what initially required years. So it is for you now – and those you love.


If you need to leave them, you will know. And if such a thought strikes fear in your heart, most likely they are transitioning but at a different level. Allow them to be as you continue your joy life. They will catch up more rapidly than you can imagine. Not in years or decades, but months, weeks, and days. So be it. Amen.



翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ei7AVWAoCkpiFYFOdqqqpw

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