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发表于 2018-7-19 12:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

ArchangelMichael via James McConnell, July 15th, 2018

IAM Archangel Michael.


AndI AM pleased to be with you always to be here to share, to bring news. Bringnews of the many changes that are coming before you now. Many that you haveheard of and some that you have not yet heard of.

Butyou must know that all is in readiness, all is in the process now of comingtogether, for being all that you have been hearing for some time now and thatyou have all come to witness and to be a part of. And being a part of is what youare here for.

Youare here to be more than just an observer, though. You are here to participate,be a participant and go about your missions that you have been readied for, forsome time because all is in readiness.

Justas Sanat Kumara said in the last week he is here now at the end. He hasfulfilled his promise and is ready to move on. Just as Sananda has been saying forsome time you have arrived at the finish line. You only need to believe it.

ButI tell you that because of so many things that are about to come forward, somany truths that are about to be revealed, several dominoes that are about tobegin to fall is because of all of this. That even those of you that are notprepared for this will begin to see and hear and know the truth because thetruth can no longer be held back. Even those that attempt to do so have mettheir defeat. And yes many of them have surrendered. Not all but many have.

Becauseof this you are at the finish line. Because of this you are ready to moveforward with this transition period. You might say up to this point you havebeen treading water. Now you are about to swim. Swim for the other shore, theone you have not reached yet. The one that is not familiar to you.

Onceyou reach that other shore, or the road less traveled, you reach that othershore you will find that all along you have known what was on the other side.You just need to come to understand it and to believe it. And once you fullybelieve then you fully have arrived.

AsArchangel Michael I beseech you now to go out, move on, share the lightwherever you can. For those moments have arrived where many across the planet,many who have not yet become awakened, will now do so. And they will be readyfor answers just as you were, many of you, several years ago when you asked thequestion: “Why am I here? What is this all about? What am I here to do? What ismy mission? What is my purpose?” You asked those questions. You have receivedmany of the answers. And those too that are now going to begin to ask thosequestions, you will be there as their mentors. You will be there to answertheir questions, to give them the light that they are so longing for.
作为大天使麦可,我恳求你们现继续前进,无论你们在哪里,尽量分享光。因为那些时刻已经降临到星球上的许多地方,那里有许多还没有被唤醒的人,现在就这样做。他们会像你们一样,准备寻找答案,你们很多人,几年前你们会问“为什么我在这里?这到底是怎么回事?我在这里做什么?我的使命是什么?我的目的是什么? ”你们问过这些问题,你们已经得到了许多答案。那些现在也开始问这些问题的人,你们将会成为他们的导师,你们将回答他们的问题,给予他们所渴望的光。

Forso many are still in darkness, darkness within their very selves. Darkness thatthey do not even know that they are in.

Theywill come to understand this as the light shines forth and they realize thatthey have been reaching for the light all along but did not know that theywere.

Ileave you now as Archangel Michael. And I leave you always with my Sword ofTruth and my Shield of Strength. Go forth now and share all that you are withinyou.

Peaceand love be with all of you now.

翻译2:NickChan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8xwRcoVy6Owst4YArEhvqg

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