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【神圣之母】 即将到来的至日能量和人类生命的珍贵









发表于 2018-6-17 10:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear ones, I am your Divine Mother. I know that humanity had a little boost lately. Due to the Divine and the company of heaven's help, my ascension rays have been on the planet for quite some time, and the Divine is preparing for another big wave. In my assessment, the upcoming rays of love will hit the planet somewhere in between now and the solstice. I planned this way so that when the solstice comes, which is an astronomical event, is coupled with the ascension Rays, my Rays. I envision the planet will have a huge move upward, and humanity will ascend with Gaia quite a bit. So, that is the plan.


Besides the solstice energy, the Divine also has implemented quite a bit of the Galactic energy. The intergalactic energy is going to come to the planet in the next couple of days to boost the ascension effort. Together, the planet is facing an unprecedented energy boost, and Gaia and her children will have a great wave to ride, so is humanity. Humanity really has to summon up the courage and ascension efforts to come along with Gaia. Together, we bring Gaia and humanity up a big notch.


I love you dear ones, I am your Divine Mother. In this ascension effort, the Divine and the company of heaven, have come to me from time to time to tell me how things are with Gaia and humanity, and how much progress each of you has made. Even though personally you all are different, and have different paths. But, together, you are connected and have a sense of togetherness. In this process, I have noticed that some of my beloved children have always been running the show. They are so enthusiastic about the tasks they have, and live their life to the fullest. That makes me so proud. I am so happy that my children are enjoying their journey and enjoying the lives they have designed for themselves. However, I also see some of my children who barely live a life, who carry tremendous burden on their back and it seems they can barely breathe through their days. It makes me sad to see that and I want to remind them that your life here is temporary dear heart. It is in your best interest that you do some soul searching and find your life purpose and passion. Know this life you are living was designed by me. I have chosen a beautiful life for your soul. You and I, sitting together, literally designed every step of your life. Every step is needed. There is no such thing as good days and bad days. Every day is necessary so that you can taste the whole nine yards of a human life and witness human emotions. And that is the goal.

我爱你,亲爱的一们,我是你的神圣之母。在这个扬升努力中,神和天堂同胞,时不时地来跟我说盖亚和人类发展地如何,你们每个人取得了多少的进展。即使个体上你们都是不同的,都有不同的道路。但,一起,你们是互联的,有着一个归属感。在这个进程中,我注意到我的一些孩子一直操·纵着局·势。他们非常热衷于他们的任务,充分地活出他们的生活。这让我很是自豪。 我很高兴我的孩子们享受着自己的旅行,享受着他们为自己设计的生活。无论如何,我也看到一些孩子生活地很贫乏,肩负着巨大的重担,看上去都快喘不过气了。这让我很伤心,我想要提醒他们你在这里的生活是暂时的,亲爱的心。去做一些灵魂的搜寻,找到你的人生目标和热情对你会很有帮助。知晓你的生活是由我设计的。我为你的灵魂选择了一个美丽的生活。你和我,坐在一起,设计了你生活的每一步。每一步都是必须的。没有好日子和不好的日子。每一天都是必须的,这样你可以品味人类生活的各个方面,见证人类的情感。这就是目标

When you came to human form, you may find that there are things not to your liking, and you start to resent the spirit. Know that is just the human ego speaking. Your spirit loves the human experiences and your soul enjoys the human life. Try to align with your spirit, talk to your soul so that eventually you will find ways to love the life you designed and celebrate this opportunity which provides you the human life and all that comes along with it.


The reason I bring this subject up is because as you see, there are some beloved souls who are having difficulty with living the human life. They have lost the zest for living a human life, and some choose to cut their precious lives short. And that makes me feel sad dear heart. I am your spiritual Mother. I want to let you know that you are spirit. This human form and this human life doesn't represent who you are, and what you are. Yes, living a life means living a spirit based life, and the modern life is not suitable for that. And that is why humanity and Gaia have come to such a low point, and that is why we have decided to come and assist Gaia and bring Gaia and humanity home.


That being said, you do see our light workers who have ascended. they are tremendously courageous, and facing the life challenges straight on, handling the difficulties one by one, and that kind of attitude is what I am talking about dear heart. Try to see things from the soul perspective and let the spirit come in, and guide you. Know every life is precious. Every life is designed. There is no random act. The reason you could come to the planet and live a human life is enormous. There are huge efforts involved, and there are absolutely no reason to cut the journey short, and leave the planet which is loved by your soul.


Being your spiritual mother, I want you to connect with my love. Know what you are is love. You are my dearly loved child. There are no reason you are not loved. Quite the contrary, you are all loved. You are all tremendously loved by the Divine and the company of heaven. There is no reason to leave the planet early. You have a job to do here, and living your beautiful life to the fullest is one of them. Enjoy the form. Enjoy your beautiful body and enjoy this experience you call life. Know there is no replacement. Once you cut it short, you are done, at least for this incarnation, even though there are other tremendous loving experiences waiting for you. My precious child. I am your Divine Mother, your spiritual Mother. I want you to know you are always loved. Connect with me. Come to my arms and feel my love for you. Come to me dear heart. I love you dearly.



通灵:Linda Li
翻译:Nick Chan  https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UgjHIluEfpm-lA_chQ51kg

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