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发表于 2018-5-22 09:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
神圣之母 20180518

Beloved dear light workers, I just want to give you a quick update. Divine Mother's Ascension Ray has been initiated, and the Rays are supposed to hit the planet in the next couple of days.


Divine Mother just opened the gate and Ascension rays have been sent out to all corners of the universe. Divine Mother said that this event is so extraordinary, and it never happened before. She urges you all to embrace yourself and let the Rays go through you without hurting yourself. She says that the way to do that is to do meditation, be the conduit and just stay in the heart, let the Rays pass through you and anchor to Mother Earth. That is all you need to do. That is the light work Divine and Gaia need the most at the moment.


Besides that, Divine Mother urges each and everyone of you to stay close, listen to the Divine guidance and be loving and compassionate toward each other. It is time to show your love for the others and it is time to set examples for humanity. Divine Mother says that you have all the help you need. All we need to do is to ask. Feel free to ask for help no matter what the situation is. Divine and the company of Heaven will send you the help you need. Just ask. Now is not the time to hesitate.


I love you dear heart. The great awakening has just begun. Let yourself hear the message and let yourself know that it is for the greater good of all concerned. It is time now to open your beautiful heart, help each other as we go through together. Divine Mother says that all is well, and all will be happening according to the Divine plan. No worries. Let things come. And know you are all protected in a way that only Divine knows what you need and how Divine can help you. So, just stay in the heart and everything will be working out the way it should.


Divine Mother says that the Rays will come in waves so that in between you will get breaks. She said that she designed it this way so humanity will have a chance to digest and wake up. Divine Mother says that The United States will be the first one toreceive the Rays, And the rest of the world follows. The reason she designed it this way is because the United States is supposed to be the spiritual center of the modern time and she wants to make sure that the United States wakes up to its destiny and the rest of the world can have an example to follow. So, the ones who currently reside in the United States, I want you to hear me out, do the meditation, protect yourself and know the Ascension Rays are the most prominent and powerful Rays you need in this Ascension journey. Be the Ascension leader you came here to be and be the peaceful love you are meant to be. I love you. I am your Divine Mother. I come to inform you dear ones that my Rays, the Ascension Rays are heading to the planet earth. And I love you all. Go in peace my precious angels on earth.


通灵:Linda Li
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/164euXS9XFWqkhzFO0-0TQ

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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