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发表于 2018-4-13 09:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

LemurianCouncil of Light: Celestial Message

Greetings, My Beloveds, yes, it is I, Labrador. I’m here withthe Lemurian Council of Light. Adama is here standing in the center of yourcircle, and he is High Priest here in Telos, the underground city in which Ihelp to bring the beloved souls from our beautiful continent before the fall. Iwish for each of you to take a deep, inhaling breath, if you so shall, and toanchor your energy here in Telos, your home. Some of you may not realize this,but you are living here etherically. That an aspect of you, an essence of you isliving here with us in Telos. And you may be a bit confused, but understand youare multi-dimensional, and you live parallel lives all at one time. You arehere in Telos, you are here in Sarasota, FL, and you are able to simplyrelocate your energy from one spot to another.

WhatI wish to bring to you today is the reawakening of the remembrance of yourbeautiful time in which you lived in balance and harmony. And if you so shall,allow Adama to touch your heart, and open your energy to the beautifulfrequency of Divine balance, love, healing, and remembrance. And so I ask you,Dear Daughters, to begin to breathe, begin to breathe in this frequency ofpurity, the purity of love and the purity of peace. Call in this powerfulfrequency, for it is your birthright, it is that which you are now to begin toembody. Peace, peace, peace, my children. Begin to breathe in the vibrationalfrequency of peace and love, and so allow your heart to open as you begin toshift the vibration from fear to love, from separation to union. And today, wecall forth this sacred balance of Divine Union within each of your hearts.Calling in this powerful frequency of union with the Divine Creator, with theheavenly realms, and the heavenly hosts of all who stand with you and supportyou.

Andso I ask you, Dearest Ones, to step into this frequency of the purity that youhave lived and will continue to live in your conscious state of mind. Begin tobreathe this into your consciousness, begin to breathe this essence into yourbeing. And feel the lightness of your own soul, that you have come home again.That you have come home to be here in Telos with us, to be here in Lemuria. Tobe with your fellow brothers and sisters who now are living and breathing andwalking in Divine balance. You have done this, and you have lived this. Andyes, it is time to bring it forth back into your being once again. For howimportant it is, Dearest Children, to stand in the brilliance of the Great IAM. For you see, Dearest Ones, we here in Telos, the Lemurians, are holding thetemplate and the frequency of Divine Love. And we are asking each of you tostep forward and to return to balance, stepping into your divinity so that asyou now master your physical life here on this Earth plane, as a physicalspiritual being, you can draw from the essence of your life time in Lemuria.And you can draw from the frequency of our family of light. Yes, DearestChildren, you are all part of the Lemurian family of light. You can enter inand be with us at any time. Some of you are doing this at will, some of youwill now begin to do it as you now give yourself permission to return home. Tobe in this frequency that is filled with such peace, such love, and suchharmony, and such balance. That you will now begin to feel every cell, everyfiber, every core of your being, and even your own DNA beginning to shift inits vibration. As if your body is becoming alive and screaming out for balance.Calling in this energy and being at peace.
所以我请求你们,最亲爱的,进入你们这种纯洁的频率中,这是你们已经持有的并将一直保持下去的有意识的状态。开始把它吸入你的意识里,开始把这个本质吸入你的生命体。感受你灵魂的轻盈,你又回到了家。你回到这里和我们在一起,来到利穆里亚。和你的兄弟姐妹们在一起,他们正在神圣的平衡中生活,呼吸和行走。也请你们这样去做。是的,是时候把它再一次带回到你的生命体中了。亲爱的孩子们,站在“伟大的I AM”的光中,这是多么重要。你们看,最亲爱的,我们在泰乐斯的利莫里亚人,持有着模板和神圣之爱的频率。我们要求你们每个人都向前迈进,回到平衡,进入到你们的神性中,这样当你们在地球层面上掌控你们的物质生命时,作为一个有物质体的灵性存在,你们可以从利莫里亚的生活中汲取精华。你可以从我们的光之家人的频率中汲取。是的,亲爱的孩子们,你们都是利穆里亚光之家人的一部分。你可以随时进入并与我们在一起。你们中的一些人已经随心所欲地这样去做了,一些人现在会开始去做这件事,因为你们现在想让自己回家。这样的频率,充满了如此的和平,爱,如此和谐,以及平衡。现在你将开始感觉到你生命体中的每一个细胞,每一根纤维,每一个核心,甚至你自己的DNA开始在振动中发生着变化。就好像你的身体正在变得充满活力和平衡。召唤这种平静中的能量。

Itwas indeed unfortunate when our beautiful continent fell into the PacificOcean. It was a difficult time for us, for we knew that we had taken a deepfall, a fall from grace. And yet, there were so many of us who were so confusedand so lost and heartbroken. But it has taken some time for all of us to say wehold no more grief within our essence, because that is not a part of balance.We understood what was, and now we understand what will be, that your surfacepopulation, in due time, will return to balance, and Mother Earth in herrightful form will return back to her perfected state of peace, love, harmony,and balance. And you, Dearest Children, are needed to hold your light and to bein balance so that you are able to bring your beautiful gifts and yourremembrance of beautiful Lemuria as spiritual beings of light onto the surfacepopulation here on this planet. Because with every step that you take, you areleaving your frequency of purity and love for the next individual to step into.You see, the story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, they have left their imprintsfor all to awaken, to return to balance and union. And so, Dear One, we ask youto make the decision that you will now use your vessel to be a conduit of peaceand love and harmony, and you will make the difference by every step that youtake, and every breath that you take, your vibration and your frequency arecreating peace and harmony. You may not always understand, Dearest Children,why these civilizations that we loved so much needed to go through suchdevastation. We say, Dearest One, it is man’s decision based on hisconsciousness, moment by moment.

Andso we say to you it is a choice within yourself to choose light and love andpeace. And you may return to this sacred Divine Union in this beautiful Templeof Healing inside of yourself. Today, Dearest Ones, Adama is touching yourhearts and opening you as portals, and you are all living temples of light,love, and peace. Every single person in this room is being activated as wespeak, if you so choose to be activated, as a Living Temple of Lemuria. And youknow, Dearest Ones, that the energy of the Sacred Feminine and the energy of theSacred Masculine are coming forth in their rightful place, and the dance hasbegun. The falling of the old guard, as they say, will eventually crumble, andthe Sacred Feminine and the energy of our beautiful essence here in Telos cannow be brought forward onto the surface. And so I ask you, Dearest Children, tobreathe in the blue ray of light, the powerful frequency as Archangel Michaelsteps forward to clear your energy fields and begin to anchor your into thisLemurian Temple. You are all temples, portals, anchors of light. And each timethat you step into your brilliance, with every 24 hours that you open your eyesand you awaken, begin to feel this strength inside of yourself. Do not long forwhat was, but hold the energy now within your essence self, because so many, asI have said, are mourning the loss of Lemuria, it is why you are here today,wondering and curious. Many of you have felt the pain and suffering, not onlyof Lemuria, but of Atlantis and also of the Sumerian and the Egyptian civilizations.We say, Dearest One, hold the light and begin to move forward. Hold the lightand begin to move forward.


Ifyou so allow, Adama is going to take you into the Temple of Union, the EthericTemple, here in Mt. Shashta at this exact moment, it is there within thisTemple we held our sacred marriage ceremonies. And today, we bring you intothis Temple so that the frequency and the energy of balance and Divine Unioncan now be centered within your soul and you will begin to feel the callingfrom your soul, that will allow your consciousness to assist you to return tobalance. If there is an area within your life that is out of balance, than thisfrequency will help you to return to balance. If there is an area where you arestruggling physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, in any relationship,or with the relationship with yourself, you say how can this be? We say, withyour intention. We are gifting you this gift today, and we are anchoring youinto this beautiful Temple. We are also flooding this building, this center,this land, and the energy 40 miles north, south, east, and west of thislocation, and we are anchoring this as a part of the Lemurian essence, as ifthere is a Clarion call being called forth. And as the Lemurians step forwardinto sacred union and balance, they will be drawn to this center and region,and to the Divine chapel. Because they will feel the draw here, to return intounion with themselves.

Sotoday, this is your day to re-remember the essence as a Lemurian. And you aregifted with this frequency and this brilliance. And the power of greatproportion. Now, Dearest Ones, as Adama greets you from the Sacred DivineTemple, center yourself back into your heart, and silently say Namaste toyourself.


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