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发表于 2018-3-25 10:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

http://sananda.website/archangel ... on-march-30th-2017/
Archangel Zadkiel via Linda Robinson, March 30th, 2017

GreetingsBeloved Ones, this is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Amethyst, andwe greet you with Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss staying focusedduring change.


Many energy shifts are continuing to reach your planet. When thisoccurs, the existing energetic pattern may be affected. The energy is stillthere, but the form it takes can change.
Things may change form in the physical, mental or spiritual areas.


Manyforces are at work during these shifts. Interests that have previously been apassing thought suddenly come to the forefront in your awareness, and you mayfeel a real call to explore them.


Thereverse process also can occur. For example, you may decide to change a courseof study. Something that has previously held your interest may feelcomplete, and you may feel drawn to study anotherrelated topic or to change your focus completely. The energy you had devoted toyour studies is still there. You have just shifted the topic or focus of yourstudies.


At times,the strength of the energetic shift in forces can be quite strong, and suddenlyyou may feel as if you are being pulled off-center.


You mayhave others around you who would like you to explore an area to which they aredrawn, or you may feel that you should study a certain path but are not quitedrawn to it.


You may also be aware that your time is very precious and thatyour top interests need to take priority.


During these times of energetic shifts, it is important to takesome time out to explore how you really feel and what is right for you. Thisprocess of discernment can be used whether you are considering a small changein activity or a larger focus.


One way to approach this evaluationis to take some quiet time away from all other activities. This can be a timeearly in the morning or later in the evening when outside energies havesubsided, or it can be whenever you have uninterrupted time to turn inward.This is your time to sit and be with yourself.


As you sit quietly, close your eyes and allow your attention toturn inward. Notice how you feel throughout each part of your body. Payparticular attention to your heart center and your solar plexus. Determinewhether you feel relaxed or tense in those areas.


Then think about one of the choices you are considering. Picture thatchoice in your mind, and imagine yourself doing that activity. Notice how youfeel in your heart center and in your solar plexus. As you picture yourselfliving that choice, do you feel happy and relaxed, or do you feel tense? Noticewhere you feel this in your body. As you take another look, consider furtherhow you feel. Does picturing this choice make your heart sing, or do you feelneutral, or do you feel a sense of dread? The way you feel in your body will beone indicator as to whether this is a choice you wish to make.


You can repeat this process if you are considering more than onealternative and then compare how the different alternatives feel.


Once you have settled on a choice that feels right to you,consider whether it is a good fit from a logistical perspective. When it is agood fit logistically as well as on a feeling level, you are likely to have agreater sense of peace.


When you have a good fit both in feeling and logistics, then youcan move forward with your decision while maintaining your focus.


You can picture your choice and know that it is the rightenergetic fit for you at this time both on a feeling level and on a logisticallevel. You have determined that you feel good about the choice and that it islogistically sound.


As you continue along your path, you may wish to do a periodicreview of your activities to stay current with your interests.


When you ask that your choices be aligned with highest good, youare sending Love and Light for the benefit of all.


Beloveds, we are happy that you are staying focused during change.We are with you as you review your choices and as you are working for highestgood.




Know thatyou are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Amethyst

…and we surround you with Love. And so it is.

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