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发表于 2017-12-29 15:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
守门人 20171223

YOUR LIGHTBODY: Is not prone or susceptible to the old like your carbon-based body was, yet you must fully activate your LIGHTBODY for it to bring you through to NEW EARTH. There are continual activations always occurring, intensifying like a super-charger for awhile. This JUMP-STARTS your systems, activates your crystals/crystalline body more and gives you the ENERGY/POWER to accomplish laying the foundations of your NEW REALITIES that completely replace the old. You will work through every bit of programming you hold CONSCIOUSLY and break these programs yourself. You are no longer oblivious, or care to be, no longer trying to fit in or conform. You blaze a trail and open up a wealth of opportunity that you didn’t have access to before as a sleeping human. This too, is just the beginning, as it’s also where your “child” comes forth. Clearing anything left of “wounded or unloved” inner child, your higher self is birthed (through your NEW Earth Chakra/Vortex of your body blowing up, yes, like you are pregnant, because you kind of are). I called them photonic “air babies”. Discomfort and body changes are natural as you prepare to birth constantly, and this process changes along the way too. You will learn how to play again, yet from a very pure place inside. Your heart will open to the wonders, the magic, the bliss as you prepare to grow up/mature into/as your Higher Selves, birthing your Christed/God/Galactic Aspects along the way, and evolving into MATURE CONTRIBUTORS through Unity-Love-Peace-Consciousness in all that you do/are.


CARBON-BASED BODIES hold density/old programming and exist on food differently than the LIGHTBODY does. Each LIGHTBODY PHASE eats differently. Each Consciousness re-codes DNA that changes what the body asks for to support these intricate processes that don’t conform to anything the human ego can comprehend. Meat and heavy dense foods, metals and chemicals keep the body dormant/asleep. The cleansing and continual detoxing of these things will assist with restoring the body to LIFE. Some chose extreme unconsciousness, deeply embedded in Matrix Programming, so the “lifting” and TRANSCENDING all of this can be just as extreme/intense. Our bodies waking up and merging as one is a huge process that began the moment we incarnated/walked into physical form here.


ACCELERATED DNA REeCODINGS: The human body seems to go haywire/doesn’t fit into a diagnosis or box. Your body is working to undo/redo all for you. Honor and support it in every way. Vibrational support in everything. Inside/outside. Both are necessary here.


WATER: Drinking/Bathing. Do your research and listen to your higher/inner guidance as to how to align what you put into/subject your body to. Necessary. Not a luxury. Being oblivious “hurts” you. This affects collective consciousnesses too.


FOOD/WHAT YOU PUT INTO YOUR BODY: Matters. It matters differently in different stages though. There are no “fixed rules” anymore. Everything is about THE VIBRATION AND ENERGY that you subject yourself to/allow. When you hold your body in the highest regard (not how it looks, but what supports it in evolving as Light), everything changes. Your love for your body will return, your respect will too. Your HAPPY will return and with a thriving body that functions on LIGHT, you are not as limited as you were before. Get creative with organic foods, grow your own, spice it up, have fun! Make this a priority too. Your body is the “house” that your Soul chose to inhabit. Kind of the most important thing you’ve got! ♥


ALUMINUM, STAINLESS STEEL, PLASTICS, CHEMICALS: Get away from aluminium, plastics and chemicals. The old Teflon pans, deodorants, bottles and FLUORIDE inhibit your consciousness and suppress your body’s to fully awaken. DO THE RESEARCH, yet instead of getting caught up in the ENERGY of the old/intentional suppression/unconscious programs YOU CHOSE/HELD, make a different choice and commit to honoring your body, the Earth and listen to your higher consciousness. There are times you have to choose what is aligned OVER what your human-ego wants. This is those times…. Change your toothbrush, toothpaste, what you put on your body. It does matter, more than all understand. Be conscious of your body and our earth. You will have to choose what’s appropriate in supporting all appropriately for you.


CHILDREN: They chose us to be the CONSCIOUS ONES, yet they are often more conscious because they don’t have the filters/veils in place yet. The younger ones/newborn Crystal/Rainbow Children, their nervous systems cannot take unconscious programming, the discordant frequencies transmitted all around them that adults/others cannot yet see. Their systems came in wired differently. They are here to awaken the parents/adults and hold a capacity for unity-love that BEGS to be listened to, nurtured, supported and not suppressed/shoved back into linear boxes/mindsets or suppressed by way of “the norm”. They are multi-dimensionals trying to TEACH and bring NEW AWARENESS in many ways. The shots and education system that must be overhauled/replaced with one that SUPPORTS NEW EARTH, CREATION AND UNITY, will be brought more to the forefront for all to SEE. Choosing to love your child FIRST and not force them into a suppression system that stifles them and makes them go against their pure nature is how CONSCIOUS PARENTS step into their roles here. Honoring your children, feeding them fresh live foods, letting them rest, play, sleep and filling their lives with COLOR and LISTENING TO THEM to educate you is KEY. These beautiful children carry NEW EARTH CODES in their physical body that are not to be suppressed. They are to be activated through LOVE and honoring them as a GIFT. They will teach many…. They are not children as one would like to think. They are PURE CONSCIOUSNESS in a small form to open the hearts and minds of all who are READY to AWAKEN and truly STOP re-creating the old by doing the same thing we “thought” or once believed. None of that is true. Now TRUE is what your highest aspect KNOWS inside… instead of what “out there” says. This is the TIME for all to reclaim their POWER and STAND as a UNITED FRONT as LOVE here. Honor our children. It’s our duty as Parents, Guardians and Light Keepers here.


VIBRATION OF PHYSICAL MATTER IN YOU/AROUND YOU: All will become more aware of this. The physical is a vibrational response and representation of LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Physical matter constantly changes and re-shapes/re-forms to match this.


BODY VIBRATION/CONSCIOUSNESS: Affected by all we ingest, absorb and surround ourselves with. Once fully conscious we CHOOSE what vibrations we allow in our presence/field. We understand how imperative this is. Not one bit of this is personal. This is a VIBRATIONAL EXISTENCE.


HOUSE CONSCIOUSNESS/ROOM/PHYSICAL SPACES OCCUPIED: Get the vibration of your room/house/place/space up. Live plants, color, clean, de-clutter, fill with crystals/andaras (grid your room/home). Smells/sound also affect. Nature is a necessity.


NATURE IS A NECESSITY. ALONE TIME IS TOO: Make the time. Otherwise, it’s an excuse from your ego to not re-connect/REMEMBER again. The more you slow down, the more clarity you have. Everything returns to SIMPLICITY. This is where we function from. All is easier here. ♥


QUANTUM BODY: Your entire reality and physical body is constantly transitioning from linear constructs to non-linear existence (Quantum), so all is MUCH EASIER. The linear mind must dissolve and all linear practices dissolve for this to occur. This will not conform to anything of the “old”. All new “rules” apply here.


I will continue to write more about the new Plasma Grid/Networking System we recently anchored in and many other accomplishments as collectives and gatekeepers here. I’m focusing my energy appropriately and continuing to stabilize all as we activate all day every day now. The bombardment of light, bio-electric energy and body system upgrades are off the charts and continue to increase as we go. The rest of this month and through mid-January is huge, as we conclude many gateways and open more new ones. Continually, which is how we roll here!


I love you! Happy Everything!!!! I’ll post where I can, yet minimally, as it takes a lot on our part to bring all through and hold it for all of us here. ♥


Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zM25ztIJXOI3VwBhEjbLuw


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