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发表于 2017-12-28 14:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
守门人 20171223

As we go, I’ll cover more, yet here’s a list of areas to take into account and figure out how you are/were still unconscious/unaware and what you can now “do” to shift all yourself:




Your/the carbon-based body must detox all of these, continually. They are in water, foods and air of 3D/4D realities. As your LightBody works hard through photonic light activating INSIDE of your cells to detox, purify, cleanse and re-code, anything you can do to NATURALLY and ORGANICALLY ASSIST with this process is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. All along the way. Your NEW Bodies do not house these elements like before. These toxins are in a multitude of things INTRODUCED into your foods, air, water and medical treatments to keep your body unconscious/you from waking up. You have to get pro-active and CHOOSE to remove these things/stop putting them into your bodies and raising your body’s vibration in order to LIVE on NEW EARTH is imperative to KEEP/SUSTAIN your highest existences here.


CLEAN WATER: Make it a priority. I had to too. No more excuses. Your body needs this for your LIGHTBODY to fully activate and raise its vibration to turn everything around. Bio-electric transmitters need a clean filter/conduit for communication/traveling through your body. All the crud/density creates interference and disrupts your body’s ability to do what it needs to do FOR you to have it easier and clear all of that programming housed/held in your body faster/easier for YOU. Get a filter for your bath/shower to cut out toxins absorbed.


BODY/SKIN/ORGANS: Your entire body houses/holds everything that plays out in your external/physical reality for you to EXPERIENCE here. These are working hard to DETOX, reverse everything ever “done” to them, everything ingested internally and absorbed externally too and re-build on a cellular level without the “gunk” in the way. Your body is your RESPONSIBILITY to TUNE to the highest vibrations possible and your old ways become your hurdle/obstacle to overcome from within yourself. NEW WAYS are required and your intellectual human mind won’t like this part, as it’s listened/learned from everyone/everything else and your ego wants all “it’s way”. Not how multi-dimensionality works. Your body knows more than you do. It’s always speaking, always asking/showing you what it needs to do this for you easier. Nature, sleep, quiet time, slow down, focus your energy and let go of the judgment/fixed beliefs. Those will keep you experiencing separation over and over again until your body finally shuts-down… Take care of what you put into your body/on your body. Chemicals suppress. Your body must be free of all of this to bring you through to higher-dimensional realities. Then you will re-introduce certain foods back in, to support the different phases (Crystalline/Plasma/Etheric) of Embodiment. Once your body is clean and running optimally and able to run a ridiculous amount of light through it continually and easily, it will enter re-GENERATIVE mode, where you will become a Generator of Light operating on a whole new System, with new foundations CREATED, new systems, new programs, new everything…


IMMUNE SYSTEM/NERVOUS SYSTEM: All must be “destructed/reconstructed” and re-coded on a cellular level. All must be re-wired completely so that your body functions very differently than before. Honoring your body FIRST and all-day every day, will make this process easier, yet your EGO will not like one bit of this… These light codes are going straight for these daily now. This is where DEFENSE mechanisms and COMMUNICATION systems where held/are (and so much more).


DEFENSE SYSTEMS/INFRASTRUCTURES: All have to be broken down and re-worked. Your whole physical body undergoes an immense re-everything process. Continually and increasing ENERGETICALLY as we go. This process is not going to decrease. The amount of energy will always increase and it’s up to you to acclimate continually, anchor continually and learn how to function in all new ways, continually. It’s a part of our processing here.


CELLULAR BREAKDOWN TO RE-BUILD THROUGH THE INTEGRATION OF LIGHT (CODES/INTELLIGENCE): At first, this is rough. The carbon-based body goes through a LOT. Challenging and even scary at first, until new understandings are applied, is an understatement. Yes, at times, in the beginning, we feel/felt like we were dying. In many ways, we were. Our bodies go through a rigorous process of clearing density, separation and deeply embedded programming. Physical pain is the body releasing these programs suppressed/buried/held/anchored in the physical body. Light activates neurons and bio-electric transmitters to “fire off” and “activate/trigger” emotions held there, which buried the programs through suppression/oppression that now have to leave/be freed from the physical body and physical reality too. Light is intelligent. It activates codes held dormant in your DNA. These codes tell your “new body” how to re-do everything. It tells your cells how to break all down. It stimulates, shocks and awakens your body in every way to FEEL FULLY EVERYTHING… until all unconscious programming (lower vibration transmissions) is gone and your new base-line is UNITY AND PURE LOVE….


PLASMA GRID: About a week or so ago, we anchored a whole new “gridding system” into the template of our Gaia/EarthShip and for those ready for this, our physical bodies too. While I use the word “grid”, it’s not quite a grid. It’s a whole new NETWORKING SYSTEM through SUPER QUANTUM PLASMA ENERGY. Star Families all activated, this wreaks havoc on polarity/polarized realities and still polarized bodies that must reverse/unify still. I will be sharing more as we go. I had no clue until the anchoring process was completed. It’s a part of my roles as Gatekeeper here.


GAMMA RAYS/FREQUENCIES: Substantial increase over the last few weeks that means different things to each. These STIMULATE and HYPER-ACCELERATE/EXCITE all on a cellular and consciousness level. They accelerate DNA re-writes exponentially. For the human aspect, these can scatter, create chaos, increase Quantum Entanglement and disrupt the old codes that lent to unconsciousness. These LASER through all and bring the veils within down fast. They supercharge and quantify and for those of us who LOVE GAMMA, they give us the power-ups to accomplish and anchor higher dimensional timelines into the physical for all of us here. Plasma weakens the system, and we’ve had a huge increase in Plasma and also Electrical Energy…. so stabilizing requires more focus and balancing all continually to maintain/sustain with great ease. These also activate nausea, as radioactive energy increases in the body to amplify and clear distortions faster.


CRYSTALLINE FREQUENCIES (Rainbow & Diamond Light Code, as well as others): Substantial increase to anchor more Christed Light within all of our physical bodies as our Crystalline Bodies continue to evolve. I’ll share a cool video captured and was floating around online a few weeks back of the visible crystalline in the air/atmosphere. This has been/is our reality on a daily basis on NEW Earth here. Breathing crystalline light is challenging for the carbon-based physical body as it clears density/acclimates to “new altitude” existence from within. We all must slow down and honor the body. It’s doing immense work to re-calibrate/re-code and clear constantly.


PLASMA ATMOSPHERES & BODIES: Increased plasma brings forth more “gasses” and “spacey” feeling as our cells go Galactic and our Earth does too. This has been going on for years, yet the magnitude of PLASMA ENERGY is astounding and continuing GALACTIC STARGATES FLOOD our planet/bodies with this “game-changer” energy where all who chose Galactic Earth must “learn” to function completely non-linearly and integrate at a whole new rate. BEing a Galactic is a whole new ball-game, for us all being totally RESPONSIBLE and fulfilling our highest Soul Purposes and Galactic Missions/Roles here.


翻译:Nick Chan



【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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发表于 2017-12-29 01:24 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
最近混身上下起疹子…除了头部没一处是不痒的 寒冷...到了夜晚体温直线下降 我感觉自己似乎免疫系统出现严重问题 感觉自己就快没命了。但我知道不是这样。自从身体开始变化 我熬过了很多东西,从前两年混身经脉疼痛在床上打滚 才能开始能感知能量。接着疯狂每隔几天24小时呕吐,之后开始发出OM音,一种人类很难发出的声音。但是现在觉得自己真的快熬不住了。扬升的代价太巨大

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