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发表于 2017-12-7 08:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式











同样,在122日,美国战略司令部司令、美国将军约翰.海滕(John Hyten)对加州的民众说,有几个国家正在瞄准美国的太空势力,并警告说:「我们不能允许这种情况发生。」



在美国境内的地面清洗也变得越来越明显。「在1118日海军陆战队对中情局总部的突袭后,恶名昭著的《模仿鸟行动》已被终止,就像马特.劳尔(Matt Lauer)这样的中情局媒体喉舌,已被踢出国家广播公司,」消息人士指出。

另一只乌鸦被击落的迹象是,美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)暂停了布莱恩.罗斯(Brian Ross)的报导,原因是如特朗普所说的「俄罗斯政治迫害的可怕不准确和不诚实的报导」。消息人士承诺,企业媒体的清洗才刚刚开始。

可萨暴徒抱着幻想,希望前国防情报局局长米高.弗林(Michael Flynn),被特别检察官罗拔.米勒(Robert Mueller)上周起诉的事件,将导致特朗普被弹劾。



此外,上周好莱坞明星、导演兼演员梅尔.吉布森(Mel Gibson)说,好莱坞精英邪恶的「用孩童来血祭」,吃他们的肉。他们相信这样会给他们带来生命的力量。如果孩童死前在身体和心理上都呈现出痛苦,他们就相信这会给予他们额外的生命力量。




日本情报机构还希望美军的白帽子能够意识到,多年来,美军和情报界的许多人都被「神乐坂艺妓和金钱贿赂。」他们说,即使是前美国大使卡罗琳.甘乃迪(Caroline Kennedy)也经常在「招待俱乐部」上慷慨地款待。













【原文】2017-12-04 Benjamin Fulford

U.S. military to declare martial law asDOJ, FBI criminality exposed
The U.S. military government, known to theworld as the administration of President Donald Trump, is about to declaremartial law, Pentagon sources say.
The Cabal has been checkmated, as Trump is ready to federalize theNational Guard in case of riots or civil unrest, Pentagon sourcessay, adding that FEMA camps will be used to house mass arrests, and Gitmo may househigh-value targets while military tribunals will dispatch them swiftly.
Such radical action is necessary, Because ofcorrupt judges appointed by [former U.S. President Barack] Obama and a Congressstacked with shills for Israel, so Trump may be forced to declare martial lawto impose military justice, is how one Pentagon source put the situation.
The FBI, for example, has been activelycovering up the cabal slaughter of hundreds of Americans in Las Vegas using G4Smercenaries, multiple sources say.
Trump was probably referring to thisupcoming purge in the following Tweet:  After years ofComey, with the phony and dishonest Clinton investigation (and more) runningthe FBI, its reputation is in tatters—worst in History!  But fear not, wewill bring it back to greatness.
The other big news from last week is thatthe U.S. Dover Air Force Base was hit last with a nuclear weapon or theequivalent.  The attack was described as a magnitude 4.4 earthquake in thecorporate media.
However, the earthquake had all thehallmarks of a nuclear or beam weapon attack in that its epicenter was amilitary base, it was shallow, and the seismograph shows a huge one-off instantquake, not the sort of shaking buildup seen in natural quakes.  It can beseen in the link below.
Although the attack took place the dayafter North Korea announced it had ICBMs that could hit anywhere in the U.S.,Pentagon sources are saying this was part of the undeclared civil war insidethe military-industrial complex.
The Dover base is where U.S. military andother dead bodies are processed, and it is also home to long-range heavy-lifting air transports. Since the CIA smuggled heroin back to the U.S. in coffins during the VietnamWar, it is a pretty good guess that this base was taken out because it was amajor trans-shipment point for Afghan heroin.
There was also visible evidence last weekof at the very least, a low-earth-orbit space war going on, as what Pentagonsources describe as rogue satellites were de-orbited. This may have appeared in the news as the failure of a Russianrocket launch containing 19 satellites.
Also, on December 2nd, U.S. General JohnHyten, the head of U.S. Strategic Command, told an audience in California thatseveral states were targeting U.S. space capabilities and warned, We cannotallow that to happen.
There were also reports world wide ofmeteorites and space junk falling last week. This writer personally witnessed a multicolormeteorite fall in a location that appeared to the naked eye to be less than akilometer from my home in western Tokyo. A video of it can be seen at thefollowing link:
The storm that began on November 4th with the Saudi purge has gonekinetic, the Pentagon sources say, apparently being literal about it.
The purge on the ground level inside theU.S. is also becoming increasingly visible. OperationMockingbird has been deactivated as CIA media assets like Matt Lauer were firedfrom NBC, following the November 18th raid on CIA headquarters by theMarines, the sources note.
Another sign of a Mockingbird shoot-downcame as ABC News suspended Brian Ross for what Trump describes as his horrendouslyinaccurate and dishonest report on the Russia, Russia, Russia Witch Hunt. Thecorporate media purge has just begun, the sources promise.
The Khazarian mobsters are clinging to thehope that the indictment last week of former Defense Intelligence Agency headMichael Flynn by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller will lead to the impeachmentof Trump.
However, Pentagon sources promise that the Flynnindictment is a ‘nothing burger’ that allows him to expose all crimes of Obama,Hillary, the FBI, pedos, and deep state to Mueller while helping Trump to drainthe swamp.
Obama, for his part, asked ChinesePresident Xi Jinping last week for political asylum but was turned down, sayAsian secret society sources.  In public, this could be seen in the formof Obama thumbing his nose at China by visiting the Dalai Lama immediatelyafter leaving China.  The Dalai Lama, however, is himself likely to bepurged and is in no position to help Obama.
Also, speaking of pedos, last weekHollywood star, director and actor Mel Gibson said Hollywood elites Harvest theblood of children.  They eat their flesh.  They believe this givesthem life force.  If the child was suffering in body and psyche before itdied, they believe this gives them extra life force.
Gibson said, This isn’t some kindof artistic abstraction… I was personally introduced to the practice in theearly 2000s.  I can talk about this now because these people, the execs,they’re dead now.
This writer can also confirm he haspersonally met two Khazarian mobsters who admitted to eating humanfetuses.  These are the people who are being actively hunted down now bythe white hats.
A purge has also started in Japan now thatEmperor Naruhito has taken over from his father Emperor Akihito, according toJapanese military intelligence sources.  Although Akihito is notofficially supposed to retire until April 2019, Naruhito is already the de factoEmperor, they explain.
So far only a few dozen people have beenpurged, but a lot more will begin on the December 7th, the anniversary of PearlHarbor, they say.  In particular, a Mr. K, who livesin a hotel guarded by 70 bodyguards, is going to be taken down, they add.
Japanese intelligence also wants U.S.military white hats to be aware that many in the U.S. military and intelligencecommunity in Japan have for years been bribed with KagurazakaGeishas and cash.  They say that even former U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedywas regularly and lavishly entertained at host clubs.
A lot of Japanese money has been lootedsince the death of Emperor Hirohito and given to the Rothschilds, Bushes,Clintons, and other high-level Khazarian mobsters, by Koreans who pretend to beJapanese like former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, the sources say.
Meanwhile as the U.S. and Japan continue toclean house, international financial tension between the U.S. and China isbuilding.  A sign of this was the breaking off of the U.S.-China economicdialogue last week.
It is important to note in this contextthat the tax cuts announced by Trump last week can only be implemented if theU.S. declares bankruptcy and issues a new currency, because otherwise it wouldrequire massive new borrowing from China.  China is not in a mood to pourmore money down the black hole of the U.S. corporate government, Asian secretsociety sources say.
The Chinese are hoping to bankrupt the U.S.corporate government and have Canada take over and create a United States ofNorth America to replace the rogue regime that the U.S. corporate governmenthas become, the sources say.
This week Canadian Prime Minister JustinTrudeau is in China and, as the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reports, U.S.President Donald Trump’s on-again, off-again antipathy for China helps positionCanada as a more attractive partner in North America.
In a sign that China and its BRICS allieswere preparing for a U.S. default, there was a formal announcement last week bythe BRICS nations that they were going to start their own gold trading network.
Venezuela also announced last week that itwas setting up a cryptocurrency backed by gold, oil, and diamonds to replacethe U.S. dollar.
Furthermore, in a sign they were worriedabout a money grab by the Americans, Russia’s Finance Ministry issued a warninglast week that if the U.S. seized Russia’s foreign reserves, it would bea declaration of financial war.
Ominously, a CIA source in Asia who hasRothschild connections, had the following comment to make when asked about thefinancial war:  I have been told by one of my contacts who is ‘in the know on thesetype of matters’ that the master plan is to collapse the system globally in the3rd quarter of 2018.
On a final note, a reader in Brazil sentthe following information via e-mail:  In PortoAlegre-Brazil, a southern state of my country, there is a big Americanconsulate building, really bigger than the one in São Paulo, and I can tell youby normal justification there is no need for Porto Alegre have such bigAmerican consulate unless it is something like CIA headquarters.
A friend of mine who lives there said thatfor the last few years, since this building was made, there seems to be just afew people working there, less than ten, at least on the surface level. Perhapsthis is another DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base) that needs to be takenout.
However, Nazis based in South Americanunderground bases have previously told this writer that they no longer wantedto conquer the world and just wanted to be left alone to play with their flyingsaucers. Maybe they should just announce that they will share that and othertechnology with the rest of the world.



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