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发表于 2017-11-9 10:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
天狼星B的鲸类 20171108

We are the Cetaceans of Sirius B, come to connect with you this day, and to lend our deep insight and calming energies. For much chaos is appearing on your news channels, and it would appear all over your surface world. There is more than just this. Always there is more underneath the waters’ surface, is there not?


Probe the depths with us and dive deeply into your deepest imaginings. Go deeper into the stillness of the deep.


Be the deep. For if we are all the consciousness of the same ocean, then are we all not the ocean? You will find peace beneath the waves. In the stillness of the deep inner knowing of your heart space, which is ever widening to accommodate your growing lightbody needs. For you know, do you not, that you, oh Human, are becoming more than you are? More than you thought that you could be? More than you promised that you would be in this ever so rare and ever so special incarnation? What an honor and privilege to be embodied here on Gaia in this Now! It is truly a testament to you that you are not only here, but that you are also awake, and able to hear, and able to listen, to those who have another viewpoint and vantage point than you; your galactic neighbors and even more so, your galactic family. For we are all one. Body size and shape and incarnation matter not, for we are all of the same cosmic stuff; light– love – energy – that runs the cosmos.


Water flows. It’s ebbs. It drips. It runs. It pours. Water is love; water is energy. Be this. Connect to the All-that-is and you will find that it is the very water in your blood that pumps through your little Human form. You will find that it is the water in your tears that stream with joy when you smile at a loved one accomplishing something magnificent. You will find it is the joy that leaks out of you in your highest moments of bliss. You will find that it is you. We are all connected. That is why diving deep into your ocean of experience, of memory, of understanding, is that which you seek. It is within you.


We Cetaceans are the memory keepers, the libraries, the storage, the memory; we remember. We invite you to remember your memories, your own journeys into the deep, from the deep into the light. From the light into the bliss of remembering.


Keep calm as the waves rise. Dive deeper into the calmness of peace. Deep inner knowing need not elude you, for it is within you. You are bigger than you understand, than you know, in this Now. It is true.


Dive deep. Even when you think you are deep, go deeper. That is the great mystery of consciousness; ever expanding, ever evolving, ever becoming more of itself into itself, in the great cosmic dance of love. Be the love that radiates within you, like the glistening diamonds within you that we see. For it is all happening now. Evolution is here. It is Now. It is you, oh Human. You are happening.


Dive ever deeper. Love ever more fully. Breach ever more loudly! Do not be afraid to live! Love fully. Embrace that which hurts you and learn from it, heal from it. Humanity has been wounded, deeply wounded from the dark ones and must truly understand this in order for the deep healing to occur. Forgiveness. Mercy. Understanding. For we have all played our parts.


It is time to breathe deeply. Breathe in the cosmic light that desires to permeate each and every neutron of you. You are many things. You are mighty beings. Be mighty beings of love. It is more important than being right. Being right without being loving is shallow. We whales love to dive deep. Be a lover of deep depth and passion. Love each other. Love Gaia. Serve Gaia. Serve each other.


We are the Cetaceans of Sirius B representing the Cetacean kingdom. Love deeply. We love you. Dive deeply.


翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/PryiP3nW_wcsRwqdPV1Lbw

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