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发表于 2016-10-24 11:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The Pleiadians are regaining territoryinside our Solar System fast and have already recovered to the degree that iscomparable to the situation in May 2016. The Sirian and Andromedan fleet wasnot affected so strongly by the events in September and early October and wasable to hold their positions better.

Every major setback is thus followed with abig leap forward. The Pleiadians are already setting a new Tachyon membranepositioned around the Earth at a certain distance inside the Moon orbit. Thismembrane is structurally similar to what some other people call the „outerbarrier“. This new membrane will cut off the head of the Yaldabaoth octopusfrom its tentacles and drastically speed up the clearing of the Solar System.

The Pleiadians have also begun to contactnon-incarnated humans in their afterlife on the higher astral plane.

The situation on the non-physical planeswas quite challenging in the time frame between 1996 and 2016. After the bigevacuation of the non-physical humanity in August 1999 only a few billions ofnon-physical humans remained on the etheric and astral planes around the Earthand many times more Reptilians. These Reptilian hordes were removed layer bylayer throughout the years by the Light forces until 2015, when human raceagain became prevalent on the non-physical planes around the Earth.

Now the Pleiadians are reawakening thenon-physical humans and training them to become spiritual guides for incarnatedhumans again. This process is also clearing the path for angelic beings toagain inhabit the astral and etheric planes.

Next, the Pleiadians have begun topartially disable the plasma scalar weapons installed on low Earth orbitsatellites. This scalar weapon dismantling process will continue.

The situation with the biochips is notimproving yet.

There is a certain implants clearingprotocol that can be somewhat successful in counteracting the activity of thephysical biochips to a certain degree, as they are located at the same spots inthe body as the plasma implants:


The main factor holding back the Event arestill plasma toplet bombs.They are still spread along the plasma tentacles ofthe Yaldabaoth entity. In the head of the octopus around the Earth they areconnected to the following:

1.Plasma scalar weapons on the LEOsatellites through plasma ultrasound technology

2.Physical biochips inside surface humanity

3.Infrasound plasma scalar devices in thelow underground bases of the Chimera

As the Pleiadians have made those advancesin the last few days, the Chimera has incited the Lightworkers andLightwarriors against the Pleiadian race. One example are current „channelings“of certain entities named „Stan-X“ and „Sherr-On“ that are spreading completedisinformation about the Pleiadians and the Resistance Movement.
由于昴宿人在前几天取得上述的进展,奇美拉决定煽动光工和光战士们反对昴宿星人。其中一个例子是最近流传的” Stan-X”和Sherr-On”的”通灵讯息”。这些通灵文章一直在散布有关昴宿星人和抵抗运动的虚假讯息。

Do not let those things distract you. ThePleiadian energetic contact with the most awakened and least programmed Lightworkersand Lighwarriors will increase. Pleiadians are beings of Love and Light withoutany hidden negative agenda, as anyone who has ever met them can confirm fromtheir own experience.

The second main factor holding back theEvent is the deep mind programmed state of the surface humanity which haschosen the slowest path possible towards the Event. Now a small minority ofpeople is overperforming and carrying the load of Liberation for many, whereasthe vast majority is underperforming and just complaining. Many people areasking me what to do to speed up the Event. The answer is very simple: each ofyou has been born with a mission. Go inside, discover that mission and carry itout. All our missions combined will create the Event.


As I have said many times before, thefinancial reset will NOT happen before the Event.

As I have also said before, both Trump and Hillary are puppets of the Cabal:

Banana comments and reactions to my recentposts have proven that a lot of healing work needs to be done. Facing thosecomments, when I have asked the Resistance why should I continue posting on myblog, they have communicated that „they need a voice of reason and sanity onthe surface of the planet that can assist in the Breakthrough“.

The main problem is fear which tends tocloud people’s judgement. Some people have the tendency to deny the fear andpretend that everything is perfect and we are all one (the New Age crowd) or toproject the fear and see everybody as the agent of the Cabal (the conspiracytheory crowd):

The key to true discernment is to:

1.Acknowledge your fear and othersuppressed emotions and transform them. There are many ways, approaches,healing modalities and techniques to transform emotions:


2.Educate yourself in basics of science,art and all other areas of human knowledge so that your mind can not bedistracted with total nonsense many times appearing in alternative media(Nibiru crashing into Earth anyone?)

3.Meditate or find any other way to connect with your higher self

4.Free yourself from the bias and nonsenseof the alternative media as you have freed yourself from the bias and nonsenseof the mainstream media, and think with your own head.

There were may fear based responses to mycurrent post about Asgardia. I am saying here again, Asgardia project is NOTconnected to the Cabal and is NOT harvesting people for slave labor in spacenor is it the second brain drain.
先前关于阿斯嘉底亚的更新文章引发许多人的恐慌反应。我想再度声明: 阿斯嘉特计划跟阴谋集团无关。这项计划不是要诱骗民众到外层空间当奴工或引发地表人才出走潮。

It is simply a project from a group ofenthusiastic scientists that wants to start a breakaway civilization. Althoughthere is the human factor involved with all suppressed emotions andintellectual prejudices of project founders thrown into the mix, the projecthas potential and the Pleiadians have communicated that they will support theproject and attempt to make contact when the time is right.

In the human history there were manysuccessful positive breakaway civilizations, among them the Grecian Hav-Musuvbreakaway civilization in the 4th century BCE:


The Mayan breakaway civilization in the 9thcentury CE was another positive breakaway group, as was the Marconi breakawayunderground city in south America in the 1930s:


and of course the Organization (theforerunner of the Resistance) in the 1970s.

If the Event happens in a few months, theAsgardia project will not have any global impact, but if the Event happens afew years from now, it might well become the trigger for the CompressionBreakthrough.

The Light forces are supporting allpositive timelines regardless of their time span, as they all create themagnetic pull that draws the moment of the Compression Breakthrough closer.

The Pleiadians are wishing for humanity tolift off the ground and are supporting all public space initiatives withpositive potential. So they have supported the Vril girls (this project waslater hijacked by the Chimera), they have supported the public NASA program toput man on the Moon as „Nordics“, according to testimony of William Tompkins:


The Pleiadians are thus also supporting theAsgardia project and they are supporting Elon Musk in his vision to create apublic Mars space program.

Elon Musks’ project is another project thathas a potential to act as a trigger for the Compression Breakthrough.

The Pleiadians are supporting all positivespace initiatives because they make the Contact easier. When the Resistance hassent a few of their spaceships from planet X outwards beyond the heliopause tocontact the Pleiadians, that contact has resulted in revolution on planet X andits subsequent liberation. When my team has made a small step towards the Pleiadiansby launching StratoProbe 1 beyond the Veil, the Pleiadian ship has appeared onthis photo:

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