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发表于 2024-7-19 09:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

In these very precious moments, It is important for all of Humanity to begin to use critical thinking and discernment when dealing with the chaos that is erupting in many countries.


Critical thinking or Discernment involves actively and skillfully discerning, analyzing, and evaluating information obtained through observation, experience, reflection, and reasoning, to guide your beliefs and actions in an intellectually disciplined manner. It is looking at situations with a discerning eye.


The events happening around you are Not as they Seem to be. Deception and Tricks are the specialties of The Dark Forces. In these times, Humans are being deceived and persuaded in their thinking and beliefs.


Within the United States, a growing number of people are finding themselves grappling with a profound sense of uncertainty in the face of escalating turmoil. This sentiment of despair is affecting many, casting a shadow over the collective consciousness of the nation.


A pivotal moment emerges for Humanity, where a profound decision must be made, which holds the weight of the Human destiny. The choice at hand is not merely a casual one, but a defining moment that calls for Humanity to wake up.


Many of you are stable within the Higher Vibrations and have not dropped any in your progress.


You are doing beautifully even through the chaos. However, a Storm is brewing around you. and The American People are on a crossroads.


On One Path Humans can move towards unity and on the Other path it will bring them disharmony and discord.


The Path of Unity requires a deep commitment to understanding, empathy, and mutual respect. As individuals navigate this path, they are not only working towards a common goal, but also, nurturing the beginning understandings of interconnectedness. The Process of Unity transcends boundaries and differences. It is working for the betterment of the all.


In embracing this journey towards unity, Humanity has the opportunity to create a world where Unity, compassion, and Respect are the guiding principles that shape a brighter future for all.


The alternative route looms over the collective, casting discord and chaos. This path, shrouded in the darkness of conflict, Deception, and the hateful whispers of retribution, threatens to unravel human society as it is known. Many of the Dark Forces are pushing for a civilian war in America.


The road that is being pushed at the civilian population in America is paved with the bitterness of vengeance and deception.


The gravity of this decision that is at Hand, cannot be understated, for it is not merely a choice between two diverging paths, but a reflection of the values and aspirations that define Humanity as a collective whole.


The consequence of this choice extend far beyond the confines of the present moment, shaping the contours of Humanities shared future. As individuals grapple with their own feelings and emotions, the choices made collectively will shape the destiny of the nation and its people.


In this crucial decision, humanity stands at a crossroads, poised between the radiant promise of unity and the ominous specter of discord.


It is crucial to remember that the United States, as a key player on the global stage, holds significant influence over international affairs. The progress and evolution of the American society can send ripples across the world, impacting various nations and communities worldwide. Should the American population collectively embrace values such as love, compassion, and unity, it could set a powerful example for the rest of the global community to follow. The impact that a positive shift in the United States could bring, would foster a more harmonious global society.


In times of uncertainty and turmoil, it is essential for individuals to cultivate resilience, fortitude, and Discernment. Do Not allow for outside forces to determine your beliefs. Their Tricks and deception sway your beliefs and way of thinking in directions that benefit the dark’s agenda. Stay vigilant and observe the Situations carefully.


The power of empathy and compassion cannot be underestimated in times of crisis. These virtues have the ability to bridge divides, heal wounds, and promote a sense of belonging among individuals who may feel isolated or marginalized. By extending a helping hand to those in need and listening with an open heart, people can build connections that transcend differences and pave the way for a more Unified and Harmonious society.


May Peace and Love be with you.


I am Saint Germain.



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