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发表于 2024-7-11 09:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Greetings to you all. We are connecting with you now to share very significant information about the variety of timelines and how to position yourself on a timeline that can bring the best to you.
We know that many times you struggle with making decisions and would like to find ways to do it faster and safer.
Firstly, we would like to remind you that there is no “good” or “wrong” outside what you decide is “good” or “wrong” for you.
In our perception, the highest timeline is that reality in which the illusion of separation drops, and you see the Unity in All that is.
If this resonates with you, please continue to read our message.
To position yourself on such a timeline means to match vibrationally with a timeline where you know there is no separation. Your mindset and entire belief system need to align with it. It is not as complicated as it sounds.

By simply affirming and being committed to your journey: “I wish to reunite with my Spirit so I can recognize the Oneness in all that is,” you will attract all the necessary cosmic support.
Simply let go of the illusion that you are the body. There is no one else. You are consciousness, and this is all that is. There is no one to harm you, interfere in your existence, or stand in your way, but there might be millions of mirrors for you to recognize all aspects and conditioning that no longer serve you.
You simply cannot perceive something that is outside yourself. If you see it, it is because you are it.
When you fully understand this and open your heart to this higher vision, you start tuning back into your spirit.
For a while, stored vibrations from past experiences will surface but recognize the patterns and let go of them. Now you know and are ready to create anew from a different vibration.
The best version of yourself is free from any belief. The real you is pure bliss and joy, a vessel for the Divine to dance its energies through. Are you ready to be that once again?
If yes, you will be jumping timelines. Know that you are supported and guided every moment.
There is no need to think hard, discriminate, and try to make decisions – this is what the logical mind does. Intuition knows right away. If you do not experience this, say: “I always make the best decision because my heart guides me all the time.” “All the decisions that I make are based on love and are aligned with the highest possible version of myself.”
Feel what you are saying because these intentional keys open the gates to the 5D realities.
Do not hold onto anything – be Source, flow and enjoy, dance your own way, and pave the road for many others to take it. But dear human, be empty. Know that you are not doing anything but being a vessel. Know that at the ultimate level, nothing really happens. Change seems to come, but what is Real stays as it is.
Do not trouble yourself by giving too much attention to external, worldly situations because all those are just illusions. Stay in your own peace and enjoy the ocean of bliss that you are. Let all that is impermanent simply come and go like a wave, but you be the water that shines like a crystalline sky. Be the canvas on which all pictures are made. And mostly, dear human being, be you – as you are. It is enough, complete, and beautiful.

来自:Octavia Vasile

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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