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发表于 2024-7-5 08:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The ongoing shifts in consciousness that are occurring are profound and transformative, impacting all of humanity at its core. Each individual is uniquely experiencing these shifts, influenced by their current vibrational level and state of being. Every person will experience these shifts differently. For some, they will transition with ease, while others will experience a variety of different ascension symptoms. Your Each individualized experience adds to the collective shift. As each person, using their own internal Guidance, navigates the evolving energies, they begin to adapt or transition to the higher frequencies.


Nevertheless, not everyone on Earth is embracing the higher frequencies that are permeating the planet at this time. These frequencies, which carry with them vibrations of love, compassion, and unity, are a call to awaken to a higher state of consciousness. However, some individuals resist or even ignore this call, clinging to old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve their highest good. They are unwilling to adapt or transition to the shifting energies and remain trapped in a state of fear and separation. Many will miss the Call to Awaken.


Those who resist the higher frequencies prioritize self-interest above all else, choosing to operate from a place of ego rather than from a place of love and service to others. They are unable to see beyond their individual needs and desires, and as a result, they are unable to tap into the transformative power of the universal energies that are available to all.


In the grand vastness of the universe, there are two distinct paths that individuals can choose to follow: one that leads to higher dimensions of existence, where love and unity reign supreme, and another that keeps individuals stuck in the lower vibrations of the third dimension. The choice between these paths is a deeply personal one, rooted in each individual’s willingness to embrace change and growth.


For many, the concept of this spiritual journey towards higher dimensions can be challenging to grasp. It requires a shift in perspective, a willingness to let go of old ways of thinking and being, and an openness to new possibilities. At its core, this journey is about recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings, understanding the power of unity and oneness, and embracing the transformative power of love.


As the Earth continues its journey of ascension and evolution, the vibrational frequencies on the planet are also rising. This shift in energy is causing a profound transformation in all living beings. Those who resist this upward movement and cling to lower frequencies will start feeling a sense of disconnection with the world around them and extreme discomfort.


It is a crucial moment for individuals to make a conscious choice. Whether to align themselves with the higher energies of love, compassion, and unity. Or to remain stuck in patterns of fear, separation, and negativity. Choosing the path of love and unity might not always be the easiest route. It requires courage, and a willingness to let go of old beliefs and limitations.


However, this choice holds the key to unlocking a life of profound fulfillment, deep connection with others, and a harmonious resonance with the entire Universe and the Infinite Creator. By embracing love and unity, individuals open themselves up to a world of endless possibilities, where joy, peace, and abundance flow effortlessly. Ultimately, the decision to align with the higher frequencies of the Earth is a transformative journey that leads to a profound sense of oneness with all that exists. It is a powerful shift that not only benefits each individual, but also ripples out to positively impact the whole of the collective consciousness of humanity. As Humanity collectively move towards a higher state of consciousness, you each contribute to the creation of a more peaceful, loving, and harmonious world for all of humanity to thrive in.


As these shifts in vibration become more frequent, they are reshaping the fabric of human existence, challenging the old programming of the matrix and bringing in the vibrations of a new way of being.


It is a time of great change and transition, as humanity collectively adjusts to the new frequencies that are permeating your reality. By opening your Heart to Love, you begin a New and Glorious Journey into the Higher Degrees of Light.



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