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发表于 2024-6-9 01:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I come on the wings of love! As the new era of enlightened living commences, the miraculous shall be accepted as part of daily living. In truth, everything in the manifested part of Creation is a miracle in itself, from the smallest grain of sand to the highest and tallest mountain. Have you ever looked at one grain of sand under a microscope? It is amazing! When people’s eyes are opened to the wondrous world in which they live, their creative powers will unfold exponentially and many new creations will blossom forth.

This is the age in which the ascending Earth planet is destined to become a bright shining star in the heavens as is the way of all planets throughout the length and breadth of Creation. It is in this new age that humanity will have a desire and motivation for self transcendence, to daily expand their consciousness and freedom as a divine spark of the Creator in ways they knew not the day before – for life is constantly transcending and renewing itself. They are truly destined to become the great adventurers and explorers of the mysteries of Creation.

Humanity has been given an individual free will by the Infinite One, our Creator. It can be exercised only by each individual and requires a certain effort to consciously choose to move their individual consciousness beyond the collective consciousness and transcend former limitations, be they of body, mind or emotions. We are here to help humanity learn and grow, and thereby transcend and grow in their co-creative ability and awareness.It is the time for a new vision, it is the time to open your imagination to envision and experience the reality of what a golden age of illumined living can be. Mind is the builder, never forget this. What your mind can conceive will inevitably manifest in your experience.


Visualize, envision and create a world where all inhabitants wake up to the realization of the treasure that is their heart where they feel the love, humility, gentleness, kindness, consideration and cooperation. Visualize a reality where there are best wishes for each other with a sense for beauty, connectedness and true community. Where they feel the deep intimacy, true fulfillment and happiness that takes place within their heart. Visualize a bright world that is founded in harmony and balance, as it prospers and flourishes in the brilliant light of unexpected love, grace, glory and beauty.

And the last important part of this is that one must speed what the mind has conceived by energizing the thought with powerful emotion. Feel it and release it to the universe with the confidence and trust that it will manifest in your life in divine timing that is perfect for you. If an individual can perfect this practice, they will surely become masters of manifestation and in being in total alignment with the new ways of living. Oh, the wondrous possibilities that now lie before us! Let us hasten the day to this end!

来自:Marlene Swetlishoff


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