Dearest beloveds,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time, with important news regarding the upcoming solstice gateway. As we stated in our last written transmission Gaia is currently coexisting on 2 predominant collective timelines. The ending of the timeline of Kali-yuga and the opening timeline of the golden age…As a result of this, the Earth is now being bombarded with an intensified level of gamma-ray infusion.
We wish to inform you that the gamma rays that are predestined to pour into the Earth at the Time of the solstice are carrying a mutated, upgraded and transformed geometric light patterning and are therefore configured differently to the previous gamma rays that have been pouring forth from galactic central hitherto this point.
At this conjecture, it is important to note that the gamma rays communicate specifically with the DNA in the human body. In fact the gamma rays infuse with the DNA via a Fibonacci spiralling sequence, which locks into the human DNA much like a key and a lock, this interlocking communicates messages to the human DNA informing it to upgrade and configure into alignment with the Ascension codes that are stored in the bodily system, and these codes hold information pertaining to the construction of the human light body.
During extremely potent and auspicious energetic portal dates such as solstice, it is crucial to gather together in Ascension groups, in order to radically assist Gaia to ground and assimilate these upgraded codes and frequencies.
As these new upgraded gamma rays lock into humanities DNA spiral, this sends information to the DNA to align with the soul gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, remote viewing, telepathy, and so much more This upgrade will also manifest for many of you as a heightened degree of serendipity and synchronicity in your life, and a definite experience of divine intervention in terms of aligning you with your highest Kristic timeline destiny.
These light codes are designed to communicate directly to the pineal gland, the organ in the body that governs multidimensional awakening and knowing, and as such these powers are set to be magnified in this particular gateway.
The time for the lone wolf is no more dear ones. Please know that we are collectively entering into and anchoring the new earth golden age Paradigm timeline, and It is highly advisable that you gather together in your soul groups to assist Gaia to harness this newly upgraded bombardment of light codes.
The reason why this is so advisable is…individually you are powerful beyond your wildest imaginings so therefore when you come together and unite your intentions collectively, this sends out an almighty wave of information to the collective consciousness to come into vibrational alignment with these new upgraded instructions/ patterning.