Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will start to work out a new “code” of behaviour of man in the fourth dimension.
And we will start with your language correction that is so far the main tool of your communication.
As it has already been mentioned in my previous messages, each word and each phrase features this or that energy profile.
And it is especially true about set, that is, well-established common expressions that “live” in your subconscience and that you use mostly automatically.
Being pronounced by millions of people, it is them that accumulate a great deal of negative energy that later gets condensed in human collective conscience and produces huge impact on the events taking place on Earth.
For example, such words as “terrible” or “nightmare” being pronounced in all the languages all over the world as a response to any negative event enhance these events thereby provoking even more people’s utterances like these.
Well, how should a revived person respond to them, the one whose conscience is at the level of the fourth dimension?
So as to remain “adequate” for communication with the people of the third dimension world, find some neutral words and expressions with the help of which you can keep the conversation going, yet, meanwhile preserving your own vibrations and those of the space around.
In this case I cannot give you a universe recommendation since only you yourselves can find the necessary words taking into consideration the cultural, educational and spiritual background of the people you interact with.But I can give you general points in choosing words and expressions that you can follow while discussing “hot” issues.
And we will start with clichés that people most often produce automatically unwittingly expecting them from others too.
For example, what are the words that can replace the usual “How awful!” or “It’s a real nightmare!” when you hear some sad news?
To begin with they can be something like: “I am very sorry it happened” or “Perhaps, it was inevitable”.
At least, these expressions are of a neutral character and their vibrations are quite high.
By the way, such a respond will not insult those who expect some support from you.
While if you start “lecturing” to an unprepared person on the current events being consistent with the natural laws and their cause-effect relationships, it is likely to raise perplexity in the best case and aggression in the worst one.
Therefore, it is essential to identify the energy profile of your interlocutor carefully so as, on the one hand, to live up to their expectations and, on the other hand, not to contribute even more negative energies to the current situation.
Your top priority task now is to keep the balance between the third and the fourth dimensions that you find yourselves in either simultaneously or alternately.
Try to take it as an exciting game – a unique opportunity to test your durability.
Apply a creative approach to it: find your own methods, think of your own words and expressions so as in any situations to keep Soul in harmony and maintain up to the mark both your own vibrations, those of the space around you and of all the people in this space.
Let it become the main priority for you and invaluable experience of existence in two dimensions simultaneously.
And I bless you for this!Loving you endlessly,