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发表于 2022-5-21 10:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth!  I'M SANANDA!
It is with great peace in my heart that I come here today.  Every time a son or daughter follows the correct path, thinks and makes correct decisions, is aware of what needs to improve and change, it is a moment of great joy, of great peace for all of us, not just for me.  We are all one, we are a single energy, where each one existing in the universe vibrates, emanates, moves this entire structure.
Every soul, every being, every conscious energy in the universe thinks, acts, and with every thought and every action this is attracted to other similar thoughts and actions;  and this is how everything takes shape.  It is not a single thought, it is not a single action.  It is necessary that a large group, emanate, think and act within the same concept, the same objective, so that it becomes viable and happens.
Inside your little world everything happens the same way.  You emanate and little egregores are created around you.  Egregores of joy, sadness, illness, disharmony, balance, all of them.  And with every thought, every word, every action, you feed one of them.  And it is important to emphasize that when you feed positive egregors, the negative ones lose strength;  it's as if you take the negative energy and turn it into positive.
That's the universe, it's a total balance.  There is the first creating, but that first creating was a transmutation of something that already existed, so that it starts something.  So if you think positively, this energy has great strength;  if you think negatively this energy has a much greater force.  So for you to neutralize that negative energy it takes a lot of positive forces to neutralize it.  And so the universe walks, always in balance.
Nothing exists without its counterpoint.  There is Light, there is darkness.  There is good, there is evil, as you determine.  So within the consciousness of each of you, what is the important thing?  It's always trying to vibrate positive thoughts.  You often find yourself dreaming, creating wonderful things;  there always comes that ego reason saying, “Stop!  This is illusion.  This will never happen”.  And that whole castle that you built, which was made of sand, falls apart.  But if you dream, think, build that castle, sand at first, and just say, “No ego, you're wrong.  I can, I want, I will have”.  That castle, as if by magic, begins to transform itself from sand to stone, something indissoluble.
As time went by, you never believed that you could dream and make it happen, because the ego always told you, “No, stop it.  Come to reality.  Stop dreaming”, and the surroundings made you believe that, never believe that it was possible to make it happen.
Today we are here, repeating daily that it is possible, that you can, you have this strength, you just have to believe in it and don't let your ego or surroundings take away this belief and this strength from you at any time.  So dream of the New World, believe in the New World.  The egregore already exists and I can tell you, it is quite big.  I wouldn't say it's already the size of the planet, but it's already very close to the size needed to change this planet.
Don't give up, don't be discouraged, keep dreaming, and thinking about the New World.  No matter when, no matter how, you will get there.  We've already seen it.  We are not here putting, nor promoting, actions and thoughts that will come to nothing;  we know exactly what will happen just ahead, because we don't see time the way you do.  We see the here and now.  And we already see many of you vibrating within the Fifth Dimension.  We've seen many of you jumping in joy, hugging each other in the Fifth Dimension.
Gaia fully ascended, beautiful, clean, organized.  So, what is up to you right now, in this whole process?  Vibrate Light, vibrate Love, vibrate everything that can fill this great egregore of the New World.  Forget what you live here.  None of that will be there.  So it's time to dream;  dream things you've never seen here;  dream of the balance of peoples;  dream of everyone with a full belly;  dream of everyone having a roof over your heads;  dream of everyone having a decent and pleasant job;  dream of the balance of its rulers, ruling for the Whole and not for oneself.
See this world that you do not know today.  This is the world in the Fifth Dimension.  Nothing that you live here and have here you will have there.  So learn to dream and especially learn to let go of what you live here.  I just keep telling you that the supposed pleasures you have in this Third Dimensional world are pleasures of the body, they are pleasures of the mind.  In the Fifth Dimension you will have much deeper pleasures, because they will be pleasures neither of the body nor of the mind, they will be pleasures of the heart, they will be pleasures of the soul.
Now it's up to each one at this time to make their choice.  What do you want to vibrate today?  Increase, feed, foster what already exists in your world today or keep trying to change it and wasting your time, because your world will not change.  Your world is heading towards self-destruction;  not physical destruction, but for the self-destruction of the people themselves.  But it will be up to each of you to choose a new path, to choose a new place to live, to choose a new way to live and to be totally apart from this world that is there today, which has no turning back.
This world will not improve, this world will not evolve.  This world will end, because Gaia will ascend to the Fifth Dimension, and the Third Dimension on this planet will no longer exist.
Gaia will be fully evolved, and those who decide to go with her will be vibrating on her surface, giving thanks, being grateful, for every moment lived in that ancient world, which will seem just a book not very pleasant to read.

作者:Anjos e Luz Terapias

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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