A message from the Higher Dimension received by a lightworker who wishes to remain anonymous!
Our sister, this message is going to be very different from the previous ones. Your agreement to receive and spread it is essential, for its truths unfolding in the material dimension. We ask you to do it, because a new opportunity has arisen out of the pulsation of All That Is; of the sourceless Love that is the source and essence of All; to elevate the vibration of this planet which you see as your present home.
And then the message begins…
The web of Light is being expanded at a pace we had not expected to become possible so soon. When we say expanded, we mean new nodes lighting up and joining the web. As heartening as this is, it threatens to destabilize the planet, as its lower vibrations cannot transmute at such a pace without destruction of their material base.
You know this already, but we must repeat it now. This planet’s ascension can only happen whole, with every single human being rising to the vibrational frequency of Love. To bring back safety to the ascension process under these change circumstances, i.e., with the web of Light expanding so rapidly, it becomes the task of those of you whose vibrational frequency has already risen above judgement and separation to hold the space for those still in the lowest range.
You can do so by remembering that you are all brothers and sisters, and all an expression of sourceless and endless Love. You are all made of the same stuff. As a new day dawns, you would not expect Light to be equally distributed across the expanse of the sky, nor did it occur to you to consider the parts already lit by the rising sun as better or more desirable than those areas of the sky furthest from the East, or to frown on the western sky for still harboring darkness.
As the sun rises, all degrees of Light and darkness are equally right, and as much as you rejoice at the coming of the day, you welcome its natural unfolding. In the same way, do not begrudge the low vibrational frequencies around you, and do not wait impatiently for them to be transmuted.
When you go outside to watch the sun rise, you admire the whole spectacle, and do not frown at the darkness for being too slow to light up; you know that it will in its own good time. By all means, make plans for the day, only do not feel impatient to start and blame the darkness for delaying them.
Our sister, we ask you to spread this message, put it out into the world, and we will do the rest.