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发表于 2021-12-13 10:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Many of you are aware that you are evolving into unity consciousness, but have a hard time understanding what that will be like. You don’t know how you can accept everything and keep your own unique preferences and personality. Let us explain it to you in this way.
Imagine a large department store. It has many different departments meant to meet the needs of many, yet all the departments are part of the greater whole, that of the entire store. There are many different shoppers within the store who are all equally important, freely moving to whichever area they require.
If you have no young children in your life, you would not have a need for the baby department. This does not mean that you feel there should not be a baby department in the store. This does not mean that you would shun or judge the baby shoppers. You would simply allow them to pass you by on their way to their desired department, understanding it meets their needs beautifully.
You completely accept and embrace the fact that all the different areas and all the different people are absolutely perfect as part of the whole of the department store. Further, the entirety of the store supports the whole and the whole supports the entirety of the store. It is all energetically supported.
Do you see? You all bring your unique and wonderful energy to the whole, which is what gives it such depth, support and variety. Unity consciousness does not mean you lose yourself in any way. It simply means you are in complete acceptance of the many different aspects that exist within it, while honouring yourself as a beloved and integral part of both the shift and the planet. And may we point out that the more you embrace your authenticity, the more you add to the beauty of it all, for there is nothing more glorious to behold than the luminosity of a soul beaming its true energy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Yesterday we gave the analogy of a department store being an example of unity consciousness, demonstrating how each department supports the needs of the shoppers, and how the shoppers also support the store. We wished to show you how there is room for many different interests and avenues of self expression within the whole.
Continuing along that line, we wish to discuss how as the collective evolves, what the store offers will change. If no one wanted guns or ammunition, that particular department would no longer have the support of the shoppers, so it would make no sense to use up valuable space offering something that no longer had the interest of the people.
If people became more focused on their self expression the store might expand into having more creative departments to meet those needs. You might even find an area spring up dedicated to more conscious pursuits. Imagine an inspirational department with prayer rugs next to divination tools, next to bibles, next to crystals, next to meditation programs, next to sacred art, all nestled in between the cleaning products and personal care aisles!
As your focus and self expression evolves, the department store will need to evolve in order to match the needs of the collective, or it will simply become unsustainable. That is the power of your focus and your preference! Withdrawing your energetic support will simply make what is no longer a match obsolete for you. As more of the collective agrees and meets you in that energetic state, the old will simply disappear from your experiences, with no other work required from you than simply staying true to you and your own energetic preferences.
Do you see? That is the power of the shift – so many focused, loving souls simply honouring themselves and their individual journeys, slowly but surely coming together energetically to create a magnificent wave of change on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



If someone is kind to you, do you think it is because of you? Did you cause them to do it? No, you simply see it as them showing you who they are and how they wished to express themselves in that moment. You think, oh, how lovely and appreciate them and their kindness. So we wish to ask you, why then, if someone is unkind to you, do you make it about you?
On the other side of things, if you are having a bad day and are out of balance and act out in a way that is unkind to another, do you think it is because there is something about them that made it happen? Do you think you were serving their growth and evolution through your unkindness? Do you think your reactivity was healing for them? Of course not! You look at yourself, assume responsibility, apologize, and look at ways you can shift within yourself to avoid it happening in the future.
There is absolutely such a thing as mirroring, but that will usually show up as a core theme that loops around into your awareness time and again in order to get your attention and point you in the direction of your healing. In times of accelerated energies people who are out of balance or in deep discomfort will act out because they do not know what else to do. It has nothing at all to do with who you are or your level of soul attainment.
The enlightenment journey is ultimately one of self responsibility, honouring your own evolution and choosing how you wish to show up for others. It is not about taking responsibility for the actions of others. So if someone is unkind to you, we urge you to simply see it as an expression of where that person was operating from that day. There is no need to add to your discomfort by making yourself responsible for it, as well. The vast majority of the time, the person’s behaviour towards you was based on where they are energetically, and is not about you at all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, you don’t have to do it all. You don’t have to save the entire world on your own. You just have to be you and follow your soul’s evolution and calling.
Some of you serve through your energetics, anchoring energies and assisting the grids. Some of you may be drawn to make a difference to the environment, to the disadvantaged, to the animals. Some of you may make your contributions through the arts, adding the energy of beauty and inspiration to the planet. Some of you may be drawn to activism, while others make a day to day difference through the most simple acts of kindness. All of it ripples out and supports the shift!
The point here is that your varied interests, energies, and service paths are designed to meet vast and varied needs. Support each other in the perfection of your chosen areas of interest and service as part of a magnificent mosaic that serves the whole. This makes for a far more efficient system, assuring much wider areas of support.
So rather than making others wrong if they are walking a different service path than yours, thank them for taking on the roles they have assumed so beautifully so you can fully concentrate on yours. You are all creating profound change and assisting each other in the most magnificent ways! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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