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发表于 2021-10-2 09:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Many enlightening human beings have trouble accepting compliments. What we want you to understand is that it is imperative for all of you moving forward to embrace all aspects of the flow – the give and the take, the supporting and being supported – and to accept the balance that comes from both giving and receiving.
One tip we would like to give you that may make it easier for you to receive a compliment is to see it as acknowledging the energy you hold rather than the personality traits that you have. So for example, if someone said, “You are so good and kind” in response to something you did, you might be tempted to brush it off immediately, but if you reframed it in your mind as, “You hold the energy of goodness and kindness” you might not be resistant to it at all!
You can use the same technique to appreciate those who have trouble with receiving compliments. People have a tendency to accept that energy simply is. Things like, “You have such a soothing presence”, or “I love your energy” may be much easier for them to accept.
Why is that? Because those on a service contract generally won’t take credit for doing because they don’t give for glory or acknowledgement but they are very interested in the evolution of their energy and beingness. So if you compliment what they do, they may automatically dismiss it because you are not focusing on what really matters to them. Meeting them with recognition for their energetics is something they will be less resistant to because to them the energy of their beingness is far more important and valuable to them than recognition for what they do could ever be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Each person’s spiritual journey is a completely individual unfoldment. Sometimes it will involve figuring out what it’s not before you figure out what it is. There will be letting go phases as well as gathering phases. There will be times where the focus is on comfort, and other times where the focus is on the harder work. There will be giant leaps as well as lull periods to allow the integration of new levels of awareness. You will not experience a smooth trajectory forward but rather a path full of experiences, stops and starts, what you consider to be successes and failures (we do not see it in that way as all experiences simply provide further information on what is true match to you), all designed to help you continually expand and discover the ever-unfolding revealing of who you really are. You can trust the innate wisdom of the journey you are on because it is customized to your soul’s needs and desires, and you can also trust the innate wisdom of the journey of others, even if you cannot understand their choices from where you stand. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



If you are actively pushing against something and getting nowhere, you may notice that you become more and more uncomfortable. This discomfort is designed to get you to redirect because you simply cannot create through resistance. They are quite opposite energies.
So if you are finding yourself in discomfort and frustration it is helpful to stop and reexamine your situation. How can you take back the energy you are expending in resistance and use it in a better supported flow? Your focus and your energy are your energetic currency. Are you spending it wisely?
As you move along your enlightenment journey you will get more and more adept at recognizing what is working for you energetically and how to continually redirect yourself so you are always riding the wave of supported flow. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly how you start to experience the path of grace and ease. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



If you think of your feelings as messengers, you will be able to stay out of making yourself wrong for having them. With wisdom you will be able to discern how your feelings are trying to serve you.
Some feelings are making you aware of something that is still looking for your love and attention and are healing opportunities. They usually come up quite strongly and suddenly. They are determined to get your attention! They are asking you to sit with them, acknowledge them, and give yourself what you didn’t get but always deserved.
Some feelings come on less intensely but seem contrary to what you are experiencing in your now moment. That usually means that you are picking up on an active aspect of the collective. Asking, “Is this mine?” can usually help you discern where it is coming from. Then you can send loving support to it. You can see this type of feeling is an opportunity to serve the whole with your love and healing.
If you have feelings that are persistently giving you a loud no response and are lasting, it is likely letting you know that a situation you are in is no longer serving you and it is time to explore what else is possible for you.
Some feelings or ideas seem to come in from outside of yourself, often from above your head and slightly to the left. These are inspirations and guidance from your guides or your highest self, and always have value for you!
Some feelings that come up are part of the ascension process, or a reaction to energies you may be experiencing. These usually don’t last for long and can be correlated to something that is going on energetically or astrologically. For example, when the sun is active it is quite common for people to experience more anxiety. It is simply a symptom of something else that is occurring, and in a sense confirmation of the shift you are going through.
And some feelings are directly related to simply being a human being, and deserve to be embraced in the now moment as part of the full experience of having a body.
Do you see? Your feelings come and go for such a vast variety of reasons, none of which should be feared! They serve you, give you opportunities and feedback, and help direct you in so many ways. They are part of the wonder of you so feel free to explore what they are trying to offer you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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