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发表于 2021-9-28 10:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Pushing against energies that aren’t supporting movement is usually an exercise that brings limited results at best. It will usually result in frustration and exhaustion. Or, you may recognize the energies are not supporting movement but the lack of flow may tempt you into thinking you are doing something wrong, are lazy, procrastinate too much, or have some other character deficit when in reality the energies are not supporting movement and it has nothing to do with you at all!
Dear Ones, what we wish for you to understand is that working with flow means you not only accept what the energies are supporting with your faith and trust, you also know that when the energies are supporting movement you will be far more efficient in a shorter amount of time and effort than the old ways could ever have delivered.
We often speak of the importance of consistency, so you may be wondering how consistency fits into all of this. How can you be consistent if you don’t try every day? Consistency doesn’t mean trying to force movement regardless of what is supported. Consistency means you hold your intention and move with inspired action toward that goal, trusting the greater system of ebbs and flows the universe works with that assures your success. A surfer consistently paddles out into the ocean but knows that the greatest experiences come from waiting for the perfect conditions and the right wave. If the wave doesn’t come that day the surfer doesn’t take it personally, and neither should you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



The now moment is your power base. It is the clearest energetic picture of what you have to work with. When you stay present in the now, you will be able to much better access your innate wisdom to choose your next highest step. And truly, that is all that is ever required in order to continually allow the unfoldment of your highest life expression.
You might think of the energies of the past or the unknown of the future to be static that makes it more difficult to access the clarity the now moment is trying to provide you. It is absolutely safe for you to simply make your highest choice, that is most in line with your truest intentions, one now moment at a time. In fact, that is how you move with whatever is being energetically supported at any given time, and step onto a much more consistent path of mastery. It is also how you reduce energetic overwhelm and the ascension fatigue many of you are experiencing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Many of you have been studying and learning skills to support your journey and to be of service to others. You might think of it as gathering all kinds of different ingredients and elements in a basket. What we wish for you to know is there may well come a time in your journey, as you step into your next phase of service, where you feel guided to create brand new offerings that are a beautiful combination of some of the skills you have gathered along the way with the inner knowingness of your soul. It is like blending those ingredients together in a new way to create a casserole that people haven’t tried before but is absolutely delicious. Is it time to trust what you have learned, add in what you know deep in your being, and step forward in your service in brand new ways? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



As you continue along your enlightenment journey, you may start to experience more and more knowingness. You may have more awareness of other life expressions you have experienced. You may bring forth skills that were honed in other places and times. You may suddenly become aware of an ease of connection to other guides or beings you had forged relationships with during those lifetimes. In a sense, you might start to consider and experience yourself as your own collective, being able to draw on various aspects of yourself for wisdom and guidance! There is much knowledge and ability within the many experiences of you that you can tap into and explore. And one of the most exciting elements of this next phase you are currently stepping into is you will take that level of knowledge and wisdom as a starting point and grow and expand it from there. There is so much opening up for you, and many new possibilities that are now viable options due to this. We simply cannot wait to see what you will do and what you will create from this combination of acquired wisdom and pure potential. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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