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发表于 2021-9-18 10:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


One of the things that make the Divine Combination such a powerful navigational system is that each of the elements (surrender, faith, flow, and trust) support the others, creating a certain energy and momentum of its own.
When we teach of the Divine Combination, we speak of the entry point of the system to be the act of surrender, but what we wish for you to understand is that any of the elements can serve as an entry point. If you find the act of surrender daunting, you may find it helpful to enter through one of the other elements, as they are all equally important and effective to welcome you into the system.
So, for example, you may find the concept of surrender challenging, but you are really comfortable with faith. By allowing yourself to flow into your faith, you have, in fact, surrendered. Or you may find flow an easier aspect. That is just fine, if you allow yourself to simply flow, you will experience surrender, faith, and trust!
Don’t be afraid to explore the elements and choose one as your tried and true. As you use that element and stay open to the others, the system will do what it is designed to do – move you forward with all the support you need into your highest potentials and truest life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



The flow of giving and receiving creates sustainability. This applies to your relationships, as well. If you are always giving, or always taking, the flow will be too one-sided and the relationship will flounder. So if you are in a relationship where the other is always giving and not receiving, why not ask them to step back and allow you the joy of loving them in that way? If you are in a relationship where the other is taking, why not step back and allow them the joy of giving? Moving into a more balanced flow of both will make the relationship far more satisfactory for everyone involved. And, of course, appreciation for all of it is the balm that will help your relationship continue to expand and grow into all it can be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Flow, simply put, is inspired action. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, so many of you worry if you are doing enough for your enlightenment journey. Please understand there is no one size fits all template for your evolution. Your unfoldment is completely customized to honour what you wish to experience and where you wish to go. It is a natural process, as are all other forms of evolution.
There is no specific knowledge, practice, or attunement required in order to ascend. It is an organic process. If you feel drawn to certain teachings or practices, by all means follow your intuition down that path. But you will certainly know when something is for you because your soul will beckon your forward into that experience. Knowing that will allow you to put down your fear you may miss something that is imperative to your success. Know the universe is extremely efficient at keeping things in your orbit until you acknowledge them!
Trust the process! Even if you made wrong turn after wrong turn, you would eventually get so uncomfortable you would naturally redirect back onto the path that is meant for you. Your intuition will always know which way to go, and it will only get louder and louder until you listen to that internal guidance. In this way, your path is always self correcting.
So rest easy. Follow the flow and the urgings of your heart. Rest when needed, and take inspired action when the flow supports it. Listen to what your body is asking you for, and embrace the ebbs and flows of the process. You already have everything you could possibly need to assure your success. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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