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发表于 2021-8-12 09:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear Lightworkers, dear people on earth.
You find yourself in a powerful purification process. It is a very strong light that has opened up in the universal atmosphere and that is lowered into each of you for a very strong dissolution of the old that you no longer have to carry in the New Age.
Some of you are feeling better than ever. You have at the moment cleared what is to be cleared and can now surf on the powerful light that draws in and take you to your new destinations and goals. We wish you a happy journey! Enjoy the huge wave you are currently on and allow it to take you where you want and are ready for in your life. We love you and we are by your side to enjoy with you.
For others, this time is very painful and it is to you that we turn in this message.
This powerful cleansing hurts you in several ways. Many of you feel powerless when the old is taken away and the new, which you do not yet perceive, emerges. The brain temporarily loses direction and no longer knows how to guide you to walk. Some of you have pain in your body as some of your perceptions of life's right and wrong have been in you for so long that they, like an ivy on a tree, have grown stuck in you and when it is about to leave you, it is physically painful for your body when it is removed. Many of you have traumas that are in your cellular memories from past lives. Maybe you have been ill and carried a lot of pain in a previous life, which is why that pain now appears in your body to heal and leave you for good.
Some of you have lost hope when your old roads were suddenly blurred by the new energy that, like a big wave, pulled up over your beach where you drew your map. All this hurts and it hurts extra in the moments you get scared. and try to hold on to the old. Beloved friends, let go of the old, let the process run its course and try to feel gratitude or at least acceptance that you can cleanse yourself in this powerful way so that you will be ready for a whole new time where everything is built on more love, more light and a more harmonious existence for all of you.
Open your heart to the truth of your soul. Open yourself up to the information that your soul has for you where you are right now. Allow yourself to feel exactly the emotions that currently exist in you. End the feelings of peace by seeing them as lost children within yourself who right now need more love than ever. You have all these feelings within you and you can heal them by allowing yourself to send them your love.
Your life on earth has never been a mistake and what you have experienced in your incarnations has never been wrong. The frequencies that you have lived naturally help you to create the life that was possible for you to experience as the opposite of being pure and light in the highest aspect of yourself. The incarnations in lower dimensions have helped your highest light to experience itself as a polarity and that has been the very point of your fantastic journey. In this incarnation, you have all chosen to make a restart, whole, pure and move on into a time where all old darkness disappears, is erased from your consciousness, so that you will have peace in your continued physical life on earth and experience yourself with more love.
These are fantastic times on earth right now and your cleansings will take you forward in a way that you right now cannot understand. You have chosen to be healed, you have chosen to be cleansed from the old, you love yourself more than you can experience and understand right now.
Allow your hearts to open up to the love in and for yourself. It is from this that you derive the meaning of life, power and confidence that your life on earth is a fantastic journey. The uneven ground on your journey will flatten out and your journey will become more and more enjoyable with each step you take.
Love yourselves! Love yourselves!
We love you powerfully, sincerely and completely without conditions and requirements.


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