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发表于 2021-7-17 13:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I AM Archangel Michael. I amhere at this time to be with you to continue to bring these energies to you.
Rather, not bring theenergies to you, but bring your conscious awareness of these energies to you sothat you are re-awakened to who you are. To be able to understand more and morethat your consciousness is not the consciousness that you have grown up to knowhere.
Your consciousness hasincreased tremendously, beyond what it was even five, ten years ago. Evenmonths ago in some respects. You have increased in vibration. Your DNA processis reconnecting once again.
You may not be aware of it, but every time that you feel thesynchronicities happening in your life: that is an awareness. And the more that you are aware of thosesynchronicities happening, the more they will continue to happen. And the morethey continue to happen, the more you will realize that the veil is gone. It isno longer there. It hasn’tbeen there for a long time for many of you. But it is the programming withinyou, the old programming, that continues to hold you down. Continues to keepyou down in the illusion here, the third-dimensional illusion.
But I say to you now: ask,call for help, call for guidance, call for assistance from whoever your guidesare. Call myself, Archangel Michael, and ask that I come and bring my FlamingBlue Sword of Truth and sever any of the psychic ties that still hold you downto this illusion of separation here on this planet.
And remember that it issimply an illusion. It is nothing more than that. You have all moved beyondthis illusion if you allow yourself to do it. You have all moved beyond thematrix. You have all becomethe Neo of the matrix if you allow it, if you believe it.
You’ve heard manytimes, ‘believing isseeing.’ Andthe more and more that you do that, the more and more that you realize and,even more, remember that for all of you had that within you in your earliercivilizations, in her earlier lifetimes here on this planet.
You all had the realizationand the understanding that you were one with the I AM Presence within you, withthe Great Consciousness within you. All of you had this. And many of you arecoming back to this remembrance now, realizing that you are sovereign beingswithin yourself–havealways been, are now, and always will be, just as the God-Source within you.You are pure consciousness, pure vibration within the Great SourceConsciousness within you.
And the more you come torealize, understand, and remember this, the more you will find that joy inevery moment of your life, no matter what is happening around you. It mattersnot what is happening around you. No matter the news, no matter the programmingthat you hear, no matter the propaganda that is brought forth from the manydifferent sources. For you will be able to look at that, listen to that, andmove beyond it. You will know that it is not for you any longer. You will knowthat you have moved beyond it. Because you are beyond it. Each and every one ofyou on this call, or that read these words and resonate to these words later,each and every one of you are beyond that now. You are beyond the illusion, ifyou allow yourselves to be.
But it is always coming back, that lower vibration within you, that egosense within you, the lower ego, that still attempts to hold you back, to holdyou down. Some of you called it ‘the devil’ earlier. And in many respects, yes, it is. It is theShadow-Self within each of you. But the ego itself is not bad. The ego itselfwill continue on within you. It is a part of you. But the lower ego will beleft behind. And the Higher Ego will continue on, and will continue to sustainyou in the higher vibrations.
Remember, each and everyone of you: you are sovereign free beings, each one of you. Each one of youcame here to be a part of this evolution and revolution that is happening hereat this time.
So know that, and realizethat indeed everything is happening for a reason. Everything is happeningexactly as it needs to in the moment now. And in the next moment, it happensagain exactly as it needs to. It is all about the creative process within eachand every one of you, individually and as a collective. You are all creatingthis New Golden Age on Gaia and of Gaia. We are all creating this together.
Will we all move forward within this New Golden Age? No. Many have chosen their exit points already.Many have chosen the exit point that is still yet to come for themselves. Butthat is not your concern.
Your concern is yourselfand assisting those who are ready to be assisted. Just as we assist you as youare ready to be assisted. So call on us whenever you need guidance, wheneveryou are looking for that assistance, whenever you are looking for a differentperspective perhaps, and we will be there always, and in all ways. For you areDear Brothers and Sisters of the Light.
I AM Archangel Michael, andI leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And may you continue to sharethe knowing within each of you, and with all those that are ready to movebeyond the illusion of separation, and to realize once and for all that theveil is gone. Or from the ‘Matrix,’ there is no spoon.
Peace and love be with allof you.

传导:James McConnell

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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