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发表于 2021-6-21 11:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


We were recently asked, “How do I stop thinking the thoughts I don’t want to think?” We would like to address this today.
You cannot resist yourself into growth or a state of peace. Resistance simply cannot get you there. So to try to resist the thoughts amounts to resisting a part of yourself that is trying to get your attention. Denying the love and care that part of you is seeking will only trigger it more and will perpetuate your discomfort.
There is a part of you (the mind, ego, or fragmented aspect) that is fueling the thought. There is another part of you that observes the thought and can look at the bigger picture of what fear is feeding the thought (the heart, the soul, or inner wise one). Rather than attempting to wrestle the part of you that is already triggered and aggravating that fear/wound even more, we recommend approaching it from a space of understanding and love.
Disempowering thoughts come from a part of you that feels disempowered. When you can show up with your wisdom, compassion, and guidance for that part of yourself, you become empowered. Then the thought no longer has a reason to occur. It no longer has purpose. It no longer has energy to drive it.
So if you are caught in a thought pattern you no longer wish to experience, dig a little deeper. What is driving that thought? Is it fear? Pain? Worry? Insecurity? How can you love and reassure that part of yourself that you, as your own guide and parent to feel more safe and secure? How can you lead it forward into integration with your acceptance and reassurance?
You have likely noticed how difficult it can be to be positive if you are not in a state of alignment. So if you wish to think about something you are trying to make sense of, we highly recommend you prioritize putting yourself into an energetic state that allows you to be more open and connected before you explore it. Meditate. Pray. Get out in nature. Move your body. Go for a drive.
Do any of the things that help you find balance and better state of alignment first, and then allow yourself to explore what is really going on. You will find it much easier to see the cause of the thoughts, and from there find the healing the thoughts are trying to lead you to. Do you see? The thoughts are not the problem, they are a symptom of something within you that is seeking your love and guidance, and that is something that you can give yourself as many times as necessary to come to a place of peace within yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young



Your most profound moments of connection and love come from being in a space of complete non-resistance to it. Your whole-hearted acceptance and gratitude create moments of magic. How wonderful these elements are completely available to you, whenever you like, to shift both your relationships with others and the energy of your now moment. All you have to do is make the conscious choice to use them, and through that change of focus your entire experience can change in the blink of an eye. That is how powerful you are! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



As you continue along your evolutionary journey, you may find relationships suddenly severing. This can make you feel sad and dismayed. This can also trigger any unhealed abandonment or rejection wounds.
What we want you to understand is that when a relationship splits apart, more often than not the person is not rejecting you at all, but rather rejecting a level of growth required for them to go through in order to continue on their journey with you. Or, it could very well be that you have reached a place where you must split apart in order to support the growth and evolution of everyone involved.
One of you may have up-levelled while the other wishes to explore more of the energies where they are. Or one of you may need to go back through a loop of experience in order to review a life theme that you are seeking mastery over. Again, it has nothing to do with you personally and everything to do with what the soul requires for its own expansion and growth.
If you could see it from our perspective you would see it as a beautiful dance, with souls coming together, loving and supporting each other, and then breaking apart to further express themselves in whichever way is best for their own growth and expansion. And you would also be amazed at how often that growth occurs and souls reconnect when they can be in sync with each other again and are ready to enter the next phase of their journey that can be walked together, if it is for the highest good of everyone involved.
Do you see? There is beauty to this movement. Sometimes you will dance closely together to your own music in the middle of the dance floor. Other times you may split apart and dance separately on opposite sides of the dance floor because you can better grow, learn, and express yourselves as individuals when you aren’t wrapped up in each other’s arms. But no matter where you are, or how you are choosing to express it, you are all part of an incredible dance of evolution that is occurring on the planet.
Please rest assured, if someone is not able to continue with you as things are, you will not be left in a void. Another soul will be perfectly aligned to match you where you are and will step in joyfully to share the next leg of your journey with you because the universe will always support you and match you in your readiness for love and expansion with a wonderful dance partner. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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