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发表于 2021-5-29 11:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Dear Ones, acceptance is an essential element for you as you move forward into the new energies. Acceptance for others. Acceptance for yourself – all aspects of yourself including your tender human parts that are seeking your love and guidance as well as your divinity. Acceptance that there is profound intelligence and purpose in the unfoldment of the shift you are participating in. Acceptance that your body knows exactly what it needs to do to navigate your ascension process if you take the time to listen to its guidance. Acceptance of the unfoldment and the support that is available for you at all times if you are willing to ask and receive. Acceptance is how you can finally settle in to the truth that your beingness is more than enough. Acceptance is the way to your forward movement and how to harness the most out of any energies that are presenting to you. It is how you embrace your growth and evolution.
Acceptance happens when you anchor into your faith and trust. It works with its partner allowing. When acceptance and allowing are employed together it opens the door to patience and peace. And through patience and peace you can finally settle into your beingness. Acceptance is both the doorway and the anchor to the energies you wish to bring forth into your own life expression and the planet.
Acceptance is essential for manifestation. You cannot receive without the energy of acceptance. It is also how you allow your relationships with others to bloom and grow into their greatest potentials. It is how you move forward calmly and with the most comfort possible. It is how you can slow down and enjoy each step of the way. It is how you have more time to see the beauty and wonder that is always there when you have eyes that want to see it. Acceptance is truly how you become a beautiful and empowered partner in a universe that is ever-evolving for the greatest good of all. And last but certainly not least, acceptance is how you finally see how you are a beloved and integral part of it all. Simply put, acceptance is the key to the kingdom. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



We understand many of you are seeking structure to feel safe, but the structure you truly seek should be malleable and support your flow and evolution. Control cannot do that. You wish to make things predictable through your control but the only thing that control will always provide is slowly sucking the vibrancy and flow of what you are trying to hold onto.
As you become more adept at moving with the new energies, you will come to understand that it is the structure provided by the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust that will always bring you the support, guidance, and movement to continue to experience your highest outcomes. It will provide the sustenance your dreams require in order to continue to unfold and evolve. It is the system you can trust to support your evolution and the evolution of all the things that are dear to you.
It is safe to release the old ways of control and micromanagement and see what your soul has always intended for you. More often than not you will be delighted to discover it is so much more than you ever could have dreamt possible. There is a world of wonder waiting for you, and you get there through the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, the unfoldment of your journey is always serving you. If you are in a lull it is because you are in a phase that requires you to rest, receive, and integrate. If you are in fast forward movement, you are experiencing the next level that has opened to you due to the work you have done in your lull period. One serves the other and both serve you, always.
So rather than going straight to resisting the phase you are in, why not start to ask, what is the purpose of this phase and how is it serving me? This will bring much more comfort to your present moment and allow you to harvest the inherent gifts of where you are with much more grace and ease. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Your mind is a wonderful tool for discernment. Your heart’s specialty is expansion and flow. Together they provide everything you need for empowered forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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