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发表于 2021-5-18 11:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


The beauty of a phase of not knowing is you have come to the realization that the solutions you seek do not exist within the realm of what is already known to you. This indicates you are ready for more. This creates an openness in you to expand and move into the exploration of what exists just beyond what you can see. Be willing to let go of the rope that keeps you tethered to expired energies and allow the flow to carry you into the discovery of the new with great anticipation, Dear Ones, because that is where your soul is beckoning you to go. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, your abundance is a flow. As you know, flow likes to keep moving. You don’t want your money to dead end when it reaches you. In fact, one of the greatest ways to keep your money flowing is to keep it moving forward in ways that will make a difference.
Finding win/win scenarios is very much an aspect of the new earth. Allow your money to serve you by flowing to you, but allow it to continue to serve others, as well, and you will find yourself finding a joy and ease with money like never before. This explains why the practice of tithing can grow your abundance.
As you move forward into the new energies a great question to keep in your awareness is, “How can I keep my money flowing forward in service?” This will allow your money to ripple out with the energies of inclusion, care, and love, which will beautifully benefit both you and the recipient. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



There is a process for enlightening human beings which involves going inward for growth, discovery, and healing and then going outward to test what is possible now due to the work you had done. The changes always begin within, and then the results are seen in a tangible way outwardly. This is perfectly normal and part of the greater ebbs and forward movements that are the part of the entirety of the flow.
What this means is if you keep encountering a theme, it can very well be not because you haven’t healed it but rather as a chance to experience how much healing has occurred. This is a common misconception, that themes keep happening because you are not healed, when in fact your soul had simply very cleverly orchestrated many opportunities for you to gauge and experience your mastery over a certain theme.
A recurring theme doesn’t in any way indicate success or failure. It simply indicates an area of your life you wished to explore in a deeper way. How you handle that theme as it occurs will shift as you evolve until such time as there is no energetic charge at all to that area of study. At that point you can simply chuckle over how efficient your soul was at keeping the theme looping around in your awareness to give you plenty of opportunities for your own success.
Do you see? Themes come around to serve you, not punish you. This can help you be at ease with your journey because you will never miss what you intended to experience. In fact, you will be given many, many opportunities to see how far you have grown. This was done with love, for you, by you, based on what you wanted to experience and master for your continued evolution. And above all else, we wish for you to know that if you have chosen a theme it means you also hold the full potential to come to a space of peace with it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Someone recently asked the question, How do you know when energy is expired or you need to keep hope alive? We would like to address this today.
When you are at the end of the road with something energetically, there will be no movement or support. Trying to stay in that energy will feel more and more uncomfortable. You may feel resistance in your body when you think of the situation or try to remain in it, usually a tightening in the abdominal area. To fight to stay in those energies would require you to deny your growth, to give away your power, or otherwise stay in a smaller version of yourself than you know is appropriate for you.
It is always wonderful to have hope. Hope is the optimistic light of your heart. But be aware if you are stubbornly holding on, it is often because you have a strong attachment to something turning out or looking a very specific way. If that is not happening, it is because it does not serve you or others to be in that version of your dream at this time. Sometimes people have to break apart for growth and expansion if it is not occurring within their dynamic with each other. Sometimes it takes time for a dream to come together and needs more elements to show up before it can become its highest version of itself.
Accept that the situation you are in simply is because that is what is serving you with the current mix of energies you are experiencing. If you have a dream that is not coming together in the version you are hoping for, how can you loosen it up? Get broader with your intention. Allow the universe to adjust it to be a perfect match for you. And more importantly, open to the idea there may be something even better for you than what you are holding onto.
What we wish for you to know is if you are in the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the divine combination, you simply cannot make a mistake. If you surrender into your highest life expression and stay in that flow with your faith and trust, you become a willing participant to discover miraculous solutions and move into your most magical intersections. You will always be poised and ready to be swept into alignment with your highest potentials whenever they are energetically supported. And you will be at peace with your now moment when nothing is happening, which offers energetic support to both you and your planet, which can only serve your tomorrows. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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