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发表于 2021-4-28 11:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Learning to be ok with not knowing is an integral skill you have been supported in developing over the past year. This is teaching you to settle into the present moment, to focus on your beingness, to get curious about what might be possible and get clear about what your true preferences are, and to embrace the unfoldment. It opens the door for greater discoveries without constraints.
Not knowing encourages you to learn how to work with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the divine combination and it is through utilizing that model profound change will become possible, both personally and collectively. This is yet another example of how you are divinely guided, always, to develop the exact skills you need exactly when you need them, whether you are consciously aware of it or not. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



The idea that there is ever a static moment where nothing is happening in your life is not only completely false, it is impossible.
Dear Ones, you are beings of continual growth and expansion. You are also beings of flow. There is always movement occurring, it is simply tangible, or intangible.
If you are not experiencing movement in your lives, it simply means that all the action is happening behind the scenes, preparing you for your next big adventure. In the mean time, you may be getting caught up on your rest, shifting something internally, or integrating the latest energy download that is necessary for your success when the action phase comes.
Excellent self care prepares you to succeed when the next action phase is energetically supported to break through into your awareness. We urge you to simply honour the system of the entirety of the flow and make the most out of whatever phase you are in, because both work together in the most complex and efficient ways to ensure you can successfully realize your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



If there is one area of your life you find particularly problematic, we invite you to explore what you would do if you knew with 100% certainty that area was about to sort itself out. What would you think about? What energy would you release? What direction would you suddenly flow toward? What new thing would you start to engage with?
It is a powerful act to take back the energy you pour into what you perceive to be your greatest challenge. How much of your energy do you use pushing against what is unwanted? By choosing to disengage you immediately open up space for expansion. You allow the flow to carry you over, around, or through the issue to the solutions that exist on the other side of it.
We are not suggesting that you ignore any major issue in your life. You can have an awareness that something is not working for you and still choose to direct the bulk of your energetic currency (your focus and attention) to create beyond it. You do that by shifting into broad intention, flow, and the conscious engagement of your preferences. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



The question we would like you to explore today is how are you not being true to you? Is this by making yourself wrong for your innate traits? Is it by denying what your true wants and desires are? Is it by never allowing yourself to sit with yourself long enough to even discover what those desires and interests are? Is it by never allowing yourself to receive? Is it by repeatedly choosing to stay in energies that you know without a doubt are not a true match to you?
An amazing thing happens when you start to be true to yourself. Your energy shifts to emit a beautiful clear energy that is the pure essence of you, which the universe responds to in kind. In other words, what is meant for you will finally be able to find you! It is from that place of being true to yourself you will best be honouring your mission on the planet, which is fully embracing the energy of being you and the profound purpose of your honest self expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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