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发表于 2020-12-20 13:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Sleep disturbances are a common experience due to the transformational times you are participating in. This can occur for a few different reasons.
Some energetic shifts require you to be awake but still in order to receive them. This is not unlike some brain surgeries you see where the patient needs to be awake during the procedure. It is designed for you to receive and assimilate the changes in ways that best support your health and wellness.
Some planetary alignments and shifts can have a stimulating effect on you energetically, making it difficult to sleep or stay asleep. If you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, it can be very helpful to use that time to meditate. This will help you relax, as well as having the added benefit of the meditation having a similar effect on the body as sleep.
Sometimes your soul wakes you up at night if you have not been making enough time for deeper contemplation or spiritual connection. This can be rectified by prioritizing your prayer or meditation practices during the day.
Another thing we wish for you to be aware of is if you are feeling tired from a lack of sleep, you can simply ask your guides and helpers to infuse you with energy so you can be functional during the day.
Your dream time may also be very active right now when you do sleep, bringing up issues you have struggled with in past, resulting in a less than restful sleep. Many of you are wrapping up old themes and unresolved relationships in your dreams. This allows you to be far more efficient because you are in a non-resistant state while you sleep. It also allows you to take care of old issues in your sleep state. Most of you find this to be far more preferable than having to face them again in real life.
And sometimes you are working while you sleep, assisting the collective on service missions you do not have a conscious awareness of. You can also be connecting to higher realms to gain new knowledge and insights to assist you on your journey. We affectionately refer to this as night school.
We understand there is so much going on all at once it can feel overwhelming, especially if your sleep is being disturbed. Please understand it all has great purpose for you and is serving you in your evolutionary journey. Prioritize good self care and remember you can always ask for our assistance if you need some extra support. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Discernment is an essential element of your enlightenment journey. One of the challenges of 2020 has been the bombardment of information you have been exposed to – some of it very valid and some of it not your truth at all. While it has been challenging, that, combined with the slowing down the pandemic has created for so many of you, has gifted you with the perfect conditions to strengthen your discernment skills.
This is so important because it will help you start to navigate your way forward in the new energies by listening to your heart and your inner wisdom, allowing that combination to lead you forward more than ever before. This will allow you to flow towards your perfect matches and desired experiences far more efficiently.
It is also important because it is implementing a skill that will be very helpful to those who have spiritual gifts suddenly opening to them due to the energetic shifts you have been receiving.
Many of you, particularly early on in your spiritual journey, have had the experience of believing in sources that ended up not being empowering to you or of the vibration you truly seek. This can be a discouraging experience, and in some cases can shake your faith for a period of time until your soul lovingly calls you forward on your path yet again. You have had to develop your discernment as you went, often feeling like you were fumbling in the dark.
The spotlight on discernment and truth now will allow many to develop the skill before their awakening, which will be most beneficial for a smoother path forward. To be clear, you will all need to develop the same skills on your journeys, it is just the timing and speed of the development of those skills that will change depending on the energetics and your soul’s agenda.
This is all part and parcel of the grand shift you are all participating in. While it has been difficult collectively to have so many voices shouting their versions of truth, the experience will have served you well and led you to anchor into your own truth and energetic matches which is absolutely necessary for you to fully embrace your own authentic power. Much will be possible as you step into the new due to the embodiment of this essential skill set. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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