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发表于 2020-12-1 13:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Listen to your heart. It has become a cliche to most of you that you really don’t hear – just a common phrase that has little meaning. But we are here today to ask you to dust off that old expression and to really, truly begin to listen to your hearts.
Your heart helps you become congruent. It gives you clear feedback on what your deepest, truest desires are. As those desires are absolutely essential to living your highest life expression, allowing your heart to lead the way is the way to navigate your life.
Your heart cannot lie to you. It only emanates truth, your truth, and leads the way to the experiences your soul desires to have.
The old ways of navigating solely through the mind and control are gone. Moving forward into this brand new age, let your heart lead the way. Embrace your intuition, your emotions, your knowing, your BEing. Flow, create, connect, and love, which are all specialties of the heart.
You can find your clarity by asking your heart. You can be of service by living by the heart. You can align with your greatest desires by following your heart. Do you see? The heart is the true navigator to all the things you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



There are vast energetic changes occurring to both your bodies (physical and light bodies) and the planet from now until the end of the year. You are receiving downloads of energy which are often delivered/received in a spiralling motion. The momentum of the collective awakening energy is also moving forward rapidly now which can be experienced as fast forward energy movement combined with waves of ups and downs, yet you may feel like you are not moving at all on a personal level. All of this together can result in many different symptoms!
有着巨大的能量改变正在你的身体中发生(物理身体 以及光之身体)以及地球上发生,从现在起到年底。你在接收能量的下载,通常在螺旋运动中被提交/接收。集体觉醒的能量势头也在快速推进,可以被体验为快速前进的能量运动加上起起伏伏的波浪,但你可能在个人的层面感到你根本没在移动。这一切会导致许多不同的症状
You may feel buoyed by the energies. You may feel anxiety if you are experiencing accelerated flow. You may feel excitement, even if you don’t know where you are heading because you can sense there are breakthroughs for you waiting on the horizon. You may feel dizziness, nausea, disorientation, or feeling like the ground is moving underneath you (much like motion sickness due to the spirals and swells of energy), headaches, dehydration, fatigue, exhaustion, brain fog, erratic sleep patterns, and craving certain foods.
You may feel overwhelmed by the combination of it all! If you are especially sensitive, you may feel one thing with an undercurrent of another, or experience your own responses to the energies combined with feeling the energy of the collective.
Dear Ones, what we wish for you to understand is that you are in the final pushes of a completely transformative year that has been designed to deliver you into the energies of the new. This is much like the speeding up of intensity you feel in the last stages of labour. (Have you noticed how many of your ascension symptoms are similar to those of pregnancy?) It is truly remarkable what you are doing! You are birthing both a new you and a new earth. Breathe and stay focused on whatever is required in the present moment.
You are moving through accelerated energies with far greater wisdom and acceptance than ever seen on your planet before, one mindful choice at a time. These are the times that you have been waiting for and what you are going through right now will set you up well to step up and out onto the platform of the next exciting phase of your incarnation that will begin in 2021. You are doing a marvellous job! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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