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发表于 2020-9-21 13:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Dear Ones, you cannot judge, berate, bully, or force yourselves into a faster enlightenment process. In fact, attempting to do so will only add to your discomfort in these intense energetic times.

Please hear us that your enlightenment process is an unfoldment that can only occur one shift, one integration, one aha moment at a time. It is a process that is designed to move at the exact perfect pace for you and your unique needs. The second you are ready to assimilate or expand more it will happen naturally.

Being hard on yourselves through such an amazing time does not help you or speed up your progress in any way. It only makes you perpetually uncomfortable by being in resistance to yourself. Further, it makes you miss all the magic and wonder that is built into the journey that you can only be seen through your acceptance, presence and gratitude.

If you find yourself questioning your path, its speed, or your ability to navigate it, we invite you to ask the question, “What if this is all unfolding perfectly?” and see how that feels in your body. If you pay attention you will notice that thought brings immediate relief.

You are enlightening human beings on a planet in the throes of transformation. From a soul perspective you are knocking it out of the park. Trust. Flow. Accept. Stay present. Celebrate your successes and know you are doing a magnificent job. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, you do not have to pressure yourselves to be perfect because the flow will always provide the perfection for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



What we want you to understand is that every time you shift back into love it creates an energy that serves both you and the planet. This means even your out of balance moments serve the whole because they give you the opportunity to find your way back to your true essence, time and again, which drives the shift and is always a cause of expansion and celebration. Do you see? It is not about never being out of balance but rather remembering to love yourself back to the truth of your being that matters. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Many of you are feeling frustrated that certain things are not coming together for you. This can make you start to doubt, to have anxiety, or to think you are doing things wrong or are blocked.

What you are trying to manifest for the next phase of your incarnation is not stalled. In most cases, those dreams are simply waiting until you integrate an energetic shift that moves you into alignment with them. We wish to remind you that energetic shifts cannot be rushed, they must occur in their own timing, one divinely guided step at a time.

2020 is a year of flux, of moving between the old and the new. It also contains a series of profound energetic shifts that are designed to prepare you for the creation of the new. You have been receiving these energies throughout the year and they will continue to ramp up until you step into 2021.

Trust there is divine intelligence behind it all. Surrender, faith, flow, and trust are the elements that help you move with and integrate energy with the most efficiency. The transformational process you are part of simply cannot be done all at once. It must be done in a series of steps in order to make it sustainable for you.

As you integrate the rest of the energies that will be made available to you throughout the remainder of 2020, you will start to receive inspirations and discover the seeds of new potentials that give you an idea of where you are going. Hold the core essence of your hopes and dreams and let them bloom and grow from there.

Prioritize whatever is being energetically supported at any given time and focus on remembering what you know. You will have far more clarity when it is all said and done than you would have had at the beginning of this year. This is all setting you up for success in moving forward in the next exciting phase of your incarnation and what your heart wishes to experience and create. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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