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发表于 2020-9-11 15:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Beloveds, imagine if you will, that the Universe is a giant sphere. It is every colour of the rainbow but radiates pure, white light. Within this sphere there is nothing! No people, no things, no thoughts….there is only potential for creation.

When you enter this sphere, you immediately feel loved. The sense of peace and tranquillity envelops you as you find yourself immediately calm, peaceful and at one with this beautiful light. As you begin to think, the colours around you immediately change. A thought may be blue, but the intensity of the thought and the intention behind it will create a darker or lighter hue of colour. If you think about a person, their image immediately appears and attaches to the thought. If you think about the past, it immediately gains form and, even if you have let it go, attaches to you again. Whatever you think or say creates form in this sphere of light.

The vibration of these thoughts and words have a dramatic influence on the creations and realities that are formed. The colours of the world you are creating reflect the depths of love, hatred, joy, despair, humility, ego, negativity or positivity on which they are based. The love you at first felt may strengthen or it may weaken extensively, depending on the frequencies of light contained within the colours of your creations. If the creations multiply themselves on negative frequencies, you may soon feel lost within a world of darkness and illusions, eventually feeling so hemmed in that you find yourself with no room to move, no choices, no possibilities and no hope.If you have been able to keep your thoughts and words positive, or to monitor your creations and transmute them to higher frequencies, the sphere around you will remain bright and you will find more opportunities to expand your horizons within this positive reality you have created.

This, dear ones, is how the Universe works. You are all cocreators born of the Sphere of Creation, which is Source. The energy within this sphere is unconditional love, meaning that everything created in the universe has stemmed from this source and is therefore one with it. You are one with the light and create with every belief, thought, word and deed. The realities of your world are a direct consequence of the vibrations of the energies you emit because creation within the Universe happens as soon as energy is given to it. The energy then multiplies, creating in the same frequency of its ‘source’ of origin.

Think now, how your world is right now. Are you struggling with relationships, finances or hardships? Are you ill, in pain or suffering in some way? Write down the thoughts and words you have been thinking and reflect on their vibration. What are you creating in your Sphere of Light, and how heavy or light does it feel?

Think now about your beliefs about your reality? Do you believe your life can change? Do you believe you can be abundant, or that you are worthy of being loved or even that you are a good person?

Try this experiment. Sit in your sphere of light and say, “I am broke. I never have any money.” What is the colour of this sentence? What feelings and emotions do you feel when you say it? How much opportunity exists for you within this reality.

Now say, “I cut and cancel that last thought and send it back to the Sphere of Creation to be cleansed and healed. I am abundant. Thank you for my gifts and for the abundance of money in my life. Thank you for the flow of financial abundance coming into my life. Thank you for the opportunities that are being presented to me.”

How does your sphere of light change? How do you feel now, in comparison to your negative words? What realities are suddenly available to you that were not there a minute before.

This is what creation is, my Loves. It is a constant flow of energy, an endless sphere of creation, that ebbs and flows, grows dark and light, or darker and darker, lighter or lighter, depending on the consciousness on which it is based. As we archangels say, thought creates form. What you believe and focus on, you create. When you change your focus, the creation will expand or contract, depending on the vibration of your consciousness at the start of the creation. It is that simple.

I AM Archangel Uriel.

原文:https://victoriacochrane44.com/2 ... sphere-of-creation/
传导:Victoria Cochrane
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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