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发表于 2020-6-24 10:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


One of the easiest ways to receive energy is to simply breathe it in. There are many gifts to this solstice. Invite them in. Breathe them into every cell in your body. Be willing to receive all it has to offer you. Become one with the process. Trust your own ability to integrate and forge ahead into the unknown, one conscious step at a time.

This next phase is occurring because of you being willing to be on the planet to embody and drive the great shift of the ages. We continue to honour and celebrate you for all you have done, for it has aligned you with unprecedented potentials and possibilities, and we cannot wait to see what you will create as you ride the waves of change forward into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Solstice events do you the service of locking in your energetic progress. It is a save point, if you will, of the growth, integration, and expansion you have attained since your last solstice event.

One of the most major themes you have been working on is the profound shift from doing to being. We have spoken about the fact that it can take some time to get used to operating beyond the old energetic structures you have now evolved beyond.

What a save point means is that even though you may feel you would like to go back to the old ways of doing for the comfort of structure, you will find it will not work. It will not serve you like it did before. It will become uncomfortable for you very quickly, and you will not be able to stay in those old structures for any amount of time.

The new structure you seek to express your freedom and move into your highest life expression is the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the Divine Combination. There are still structures available for you, but the new ones are sustainable and supportive in the new energies. They are how you will continue to grow and thrive and create into the new.

The Divine Combination is a fluid structure of flow and creation. Your solstice is an energetic celebration of your latest level of attainment. The two together are absolute magic. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Most of you know someone who is only comfortable in giving and will not accept help even if it is readily available to them. This is usually indicative of someone who has a service contract combined with worthiness issues, or is still carrying the martyred service paradigm (they think their goodness can only be known by giving and not receiving).

They wish to give to honour their soul’s desire to be of service but do not like to receive because they feel they will be rejected, owe someone, or in some way be negatively impacted by receiving. This will always lead to exhaustion because it is an out of balance model that is unsustainable.

If you not allowing the flow to serve you, don’t trust the universe to deliver what you need, or aren’t willing to receive the gifts that are already in place for you, you are, in effect, doing the exact same thing.

Dear Ones, there are vast supports available to you. Open up and allow yourselves to be moved into the full experience of the love and support that exists for you. Imagine how much it would hurt you if no one would accept your love or support!

By being willing to receive, you allow others including your guides, helpers, and an entire universe, the joy of unconditionally loving and serving you. When you fully embrace the flow of both giving and receiving, so much more becomes possible for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


原文:https://trinityesoterics.com/202 ... urday-june-20-2020/
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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