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发表于 2020-6-6 10:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


You are in a phase of complete reevaluation. As you review right back to your early childhood, you will be assessing the different influences you have had. Do those influences support you in being your truth, your authentic self?

Do you really love what you hold onto out of habit? Or are you denying things that you used to love and haven’t made space for in your life for a very long time? Being truthful with yourself is absolutely key to creating a life that serves you and your highest expression of self, which can only, in turn, serve others.

There is so much valuable information that can come up during times of intense review, and it all serves you in stepping forward as your authentic self and all empowered change will be born from that foundation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, you do not need to be afraid to acknowledge your truth because at the core of every one of you is your divine spark. The greater danger is never allowing yourself to acknowledge that true essence. It is old conditioning that makes you afraid to explore who you really are but the act of doing so is an essential part of your enlightenment journey. Peeling back all the way to who you truly are before your conditioning is the reset point you’ve been seeking. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Sitting with yourself and feeling deep into who you really are at your core can be a scary proposition for many of you. This is why people will distract themselves with lives that are so busy there is simply no opportunity for that discovery. That is also exactly why so many of you have been forced to slow down recently.

Many of you are afraid to look at your truth because you are scared that what you find will not be good enough. The roots of this come from disempowering belief systems that say you are born a sinner, or to be human is somehow to be deeply flawed.

Others of you are afraid of discovering your own divine spark, not wanting to assume the presumed responsibility that comes from accepting your truth and assuming your authentic power.

Some of you are afraid to look because you are scared to lose the identity you have carefully crafted your entire lifetime. You think what is underneath your persona will not be as good as the front you have put together in order to be accepted.

Dear Ones, what we wish for you to know is that you are all in the process of coming Home to yourselves. The next phase of your incarnation is about stepping forth as your authentic selves, to lead through your beingness, your caring hearts, and your innate wisdom.

What you will find under it all is your true, divine essence, the part of you that knows yourself as a beloved, individuated aspect of Source. This is what will drive the shift both individually and collectively, discovering and accepting the truth of who you truly are and allowing it to shine brightly in the creation of the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


原文:https://trinityesoterics.com/202 ... nesday-june-3-2020/
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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